Anyways, I won't even ATTEMPT to go into what all has occured in this past year and a half, except to check out the webalbum.
I will say that Britt and Ash graduated from High School, both had full scholarships and both wanted to go to college. Britt is majoring in Surgical Technology to be a scrub nurse in the O.R. and Ashley was in criminal justice and decided school just wasn't for her. So, she decided to join the Coast Guard and graduates from basic training this Friday. WOO-HOO We're going up there to watch and bring her home for 5 days. I wonder if they have a Waffle House up there?
She'll then report to the USCG cutter FORWARD based out of Portsmouth, Va. The best part is the boat stays in the Caribbean and central/south America. Woo-hoo

Courtney is still singing everywhere and has been EXTREMELY busy this summer. She has decided to audition for American Idol in two weeks in Jacksonville, FL.
All the dogs are doing well...Buddy's crazy, but that's understandable! ha
I would put some pictures on here, but I don't have time. I PROMISE and give my solomn pledge to keep this thing updated at least weekly if not sooner. I also want Ash to have this to go to for updates on us too while she's gone...sniff sniff....
More soon...........