Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're going to Hiawassee!

Where?!?!  HA!  We're leaving this morning for the Georgia Mountain State Festival...or Georgia State Mountain Festival...whatever. Court will be participating in opening for Connie Smith.  I don't know exactly what she sings either, but it should be fun!!!
I'll be taking my usual TON of National Geographic-worthy pics which I'll be sharing with all ya'll....all 5 of you!  HAAAA
Mean while...Ash sent more pics of her on the boat out to sea....
This is them dancing....More dancing.....they sure do like to dance!Not sure who this guy is either!Not sure who ithis is in the next pic, but be assured her Daddy will find out!, actually I asked her and it's just a "boat-buddy!That's it today!  I'll be posting more tomorrow of out trip today!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Michael Buble

Courtney and I went to see Michael Buble Saturday night and had a blast!  He was fanTAStic and I'm so glad we went.

I can't put into words how excited Courtney was to see him.  At one point, when he began singing her favorite song, "Feeling Good", I looked at her face and she had the biggest smile on and her eyes were as big as saucers and she said, "Oh MAMMMMA"!  haaaaaaaaa  He even had a chorus of people sing for him too...the sound was incredible!
After the concert, some of Court's friends called her and wanted to meet up and take some pics...So, she did...they are a great bunch of girls...most of them play on the school volleyball team and Court sings the National Anthem for them.It was a great night and I know Couurt and I will be back to see him when he comes back around,
Ashley is back in her homeport of Portsmouth and is SOOOO happy to be there.  She's waiting on her barracks room assignment, which she should get soon.  Maybe since she's one of the few single Coast Guard females there, it won't take long.
Oh, SHE'S COMING HOME FOR LIKE 2 DAYS THE END OF THIS MONTH!  Woo-HOOO! I don't know who's more excited, us or her! One of her boat-buddies lives around here and is driving home then and she's riding with him.  THANK-YOU BOAT-BUDDY! Court can't hardly wait either or Britt!
Well, that's it for the early A.M. edition of my blog.  I'm off to WAL-MART at 5:45am!  I won't bore ya'll with photos this time!  haaaa

Friday, October 03, 2008

Hanging out in North Carolina....

I'm glad this past week is's been SO busy.  My working just gets in the way of getting things done!  HA
First, Court's band played in North Carolina somewheres and of course, I was there to record it all!That's me and Mom doint the cake walk!  MOM WON!  
That's Court and Jamie singing a duet together.  They sound really good together.
Just clowning around.  Court has a really good time singing with them and they LOVE her!Another picture of them. OH....let me add BEFORE DAD POKES HIS LIP OUT...Dad took these pictures.  WHICH is why they are only adequate.  Had I taken them, they would be like, National Geographic worthy.  HAAAAAAA
Today, we are switching back to CHARTER TV.  I called Charter and asked them how much it would be to have exactly what we have with Dish....but with Charter...TV and internet.  It's almost $40. a month cheaper to go back to Charter, so I called and they are coming out this morning. I liked Charters DVR better anyways. 
Britt is once again changing her major.  She was Surgical Tech. but with her terrible learning disability, the math and anatomy and Phys. became an imposibility.  I have to say one thing for Britt...she knows and understands her limitations and KNOWS when it's just not going to happen.  Which is where she is now.  SO...she is going to switch over to a PCT.  That's like a nurses aide who can also draws blood and does a whole lot more.  She just wants to work at Shriners Hospital so bad and this is the best way for her.  After she gets there, she can look around and see if there's anything else she would rather do.  With her PCT license, she can also work in like Kidney Dialysis places and Dr.s offices if she wanted to.  That's where she is at the moment.
Ashley is on her way back to Portsmouth via her boat.  She is SO excited to get back because her barracks room should be ready for her.  I think sleeping and living in the tiny spaces they use has grown old and she's ready for some ROOM.
As I have promised I would in earlier postings, I wanted to put on here the latest pics Ash sent me....this one was taken at a restaurant she was eating at....
This next one was taken this week when she was on her way to the store before they departed out for Portsmouth. Don't she look just like her Mama!  BAH-HAAAAAAAA...maybe in a few years she will be as beautiful as her Mama....KEEP STRIVING, BABY!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Well, that's all the news from here!  I'm off Monday and Tuesday, so I'll be posting more then....
OH...Court and I are going to see Michael Buble tomorrow night!  AHHHHH....we are SOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I plan on sneaking the camera in to take pics. Court said if she was born 10 years earlier, she would be married to him and they would just sit on the front porch and pic and sing together all day.  Awwwwww........