Thursday, December 31, 2009
Even Boomer is missing Ashley..this is the most he's moved all day! Ha
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Year's Eve-Eve
I think I have both eyes open! What a WEEK!
Anyways...this is short and sweet...Ash heads back to Yorktown today, but we'll be driving up there in 3 weeks to watch her graduate...she'll be "BM-3 Arnold"! hee! She brought hers and her roomates jackets home for me to sew more stripes on them. WHAT STRIPES? She didn't bring them home!
All 3 girls spent the night with their friend last night and they should be home shortly..I called and woke them up! HAAAAAAAAAA
I have tons of pics to post on here, which I will do after the roar subsides around here. Even Buddy felt the stress and had a big seizure yesterday! He's fact, he's acting better now than in the last couple weeks! He's not so clingy to me as before.
ANYways...more to come soon!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Ash and Court at Guadalajaras!
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
First, let me say that Ashley came home yesterday and it is SOOOOOOO wonderful having all my babies together. She's lost 9 lbs. by our bathroom scales and so I gotta lot of cooking to do to get it back on! She's happy and can't wait to graduate from A-School! She brought her and her roommate's uniform's home so I can sew some more stripes on them for when they graduate! We'll be driving up there next month for that and can't WAIT!
Last night was the only night I could squeeze in to have people over to see our decorations and visit with ASHLEY before all the chaos of Christmas. We had chaos last night, but the good kind!
Court and Mike's Dad played, sang and Ashley, well, she did what she does best. Made everyone laugh!
AND made everyone cry!
The biggest shocker of the night is when Lauren (MY niece from MY musically un-gifted side of the family) SANG! She definitely gets that from her Mama's side (Proksch) side of the family. She sang beautifully and we will be hearing more tomorrow afternoon when we gather at my parents house.
ANYways...Dad enjoyed feeding Boomer,
loads of pictures were taken (that's Deanna on the left, who is Mike's sister's daughter)
here are all the Grandchildren from both sides of our family's..
Poor Alex has to represent by being the lone guy! I can see alot of my brother in him when my brother was little, but he has alot of Brenda too...he is extremely smart (gets that from his Aunt Joan!) HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I have NO idea what Mike and his family were laughing at..
Here's Court and I doing our duet, "Silent Night", she sang, I picked.
, for those of ya'll guitar pickers out there, Court and I were NOT picking different chords at the same time, I was flawlessly attempting my solo part while she did rhythm. It was magical!
And for Mike's Uncles in California, here is Grandma Terry. 
She said my coconut cake was the best she ever ate! WOW!
That's about it for today. We have a HUGE get get-together tonight across the street at Mike's parents house. It's for everyone to exchange with Grandma Terry. I will have loads of pics from that as well.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
What's new?
Trying to get ready for Christmas! It's taken Mike and I both to get it done, but we're nearly done. Yesterday was "Clean the House Day". Courtney nearly worked herself to a FRENZY!

Boomer too.
Earlier the other day, Mike was pouting because his feet was cold and he didn't have any bedroom shoes to put on. SOOOO, to stop his whinning, we gave him one of his Christmas presents...

He hasn't taken them off except to go to work.
The other day, Britt and I took Grandma Terry out to eat...she wanted IHOP...and shopping! She did GREAT!

Her appetite hasn't returned since her knee replacement, but she did pretty well!
Britt will NOT LET ME TAKE HER PICTURE. She has lost alot of weight and looks fabulous, but won't let me snap her pic....I'm trying!
We also have been to Guadalajara...alot.

Court and her favorite waitress there, Lulu, love to sing. Here they are singing, "Feliz Navidad"

Court is the one on the left! hee
Ashley will be home tomorrow! WOOOO-HOOOOO! It will be WONDERFUL having all my babies home!!!!
That's about it for the moment....stay tuned!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I tried to upload some photos off my Blackberry this morning and they are still sitting there trying to send, photos for ya'll. They were just pics of us at Guadalajara's and Mike's Grandma eating...what else is new! HAAAAAAAAA
I had my guitar lesson Tuesday and Court showed up with me and we DAZZLED my teacher! We did Silent Night as a duet. I would have sang, but my voice is so scratchy, I let Court do it. So, she sang and played rhythm and I did lead guitar. AWESOME is all I can say! Court and I plan on bedazzling our families over the holidays with our pickin'! (just letting family know so they can get prepared!!)
The girls are doing great. Britt is doing her thing, Court is doing her's and Ash is sooo excited to come home, I don't even know how people up there in Yorktown are standing her! I'm sure they are as ready for her to come home as she is!
Well, gotta get ready for work...last day today, then I'm off for a week!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Just glad to be able to work!
All is progressing well on the Christmas Task Force. Had a minor hiccup yesterday when Grandma Terry fell and had to go to the Dr., but she's home and well. The Dr. thinks she took too strong of a sleeping pill.
I did go for my therapy session yesterday and did really well. Even picked up a couple Christmas presents! hee! Wal-Mart is SOO good to me!
I do have a couple of pictures to share with ya'll, but they're on my Blackberry Tour and I need to email them to myself! I'll do that later on today.
I just want to put on computer screen that after Thursday, I AM OFF FOR 6 and 2/3 DAYS. I have to go into work Christmas day from 3p-7p, but that's it. I have to work next weekend too, BUT, if there aren't many patients, I "MAY" can stay home. whatev. Won't happen.
Ash is doing great...been studying alot. She said the classes are getting harder, but she's loving it. She had to stand watch yesterday from 0300-0500 and saw loads of flora and fauna! She even texted me to tell me 0330...on my day off...that's 3:30 A.M....and I loved it! hee
That's it for the moment...gotta go get ready for work.
Have a great pre-Christmas Week-Day!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Every since Ash found out she's going to Seattle next, it hasn't quit raining...and I mean a cold, steady, droopy rain. I went to my therapy session at Wal-Mart this afternoon and got SOAKED running to and from there! I didn't even make a pit stop by Bruster's Ice Cream, I just came on home.
I got my Ma-in-Law's ham bone left over from Thanksgiving and I'm making pinto's tomorrow! Ain't NOTHING better than a ham bone cooked in a pot of pinto's with corn bread. YUP!
Well, gotta go...I gotta go work on my Christmas project with Courtney...we're doing a duet for the families for Christmas. My part is so great it made Harley howl in delight!
Stay dry!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Ashley's A-School pics...
I just saw some pics of Ashley's A-School training and she was in several of them! baby got WET!

She's on the far left.

Not sure what she's doing in the next pictures, but she sure looks beautiful to her Mama!

It looks like she's lost some weight there. Gotta work on that when she comes home for Christmas!
Here is another..

She's on the bottom with her tongue stuck out...whatev.
Those made my day! Thought I'd share them with ya'll!
Courtney singing...
Just a quick update to post some pics of Court singing...

Here she is at the Great Battle of Canebrake Revolutionary War Memorial...
and here she is receiving a rose...
and another...
It was the best ceremony they've had so far out of the many years we've been going. There were several great speakers, two of which are active duty Army officers just back from the middle east. They are also Sons of the American Revolution members!
Anyways...gotta get!
Thursday, December 03, 2009
I'm MUCH better!
I just thought I'd let ya'll know that I survived my annual sinus infection, thanks to a sack load of medicines and antibiotics!
Britt and Ash are doing great...Court gets to sing for the annual Battle of Canebrake Revolutionary War Memorial this Saturday. It's SUPPOSED to possibly snow, rain and the temps around 38 degrees that early in the morning. Just like back during the actual battle! AND...the History Channel will be there filming!
Ash is SOOOO excited still about her big move. She received her orders yesterday!! I guess we have a vacation destination!
Gotta go to work...later!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
All is well...
well, almost. I have a RAGING sinus infection. I felt so badly this morning, that I even went to the employee clinic at the hospital! I have a sack full of meds. I do feel better, but I didn't tell my family that! hee
Ash is VERY happy, excited of her friend-girls told her that Seattle is where Twilight took place and now she's ECSTATIC!!
We're still trying to figure out how to get her truck out there SAFELY. That means, we don't want her DRIVING it clear across the country. Her Daddy is going to talk to her about having the Coast Guard "ship" it to her. It shouldn't take long for her to get it...we'll see. I may be driving with her out there and flying back. One of the guys in her class is also going to Seattle...she said they may work something out. We'll see.
I DO know we are driving up there for her graduation! She will have her "crows" pinned on her and I wanna see that and take pictures.
Well, that's it for the moment! All, except for my freaking sinus's, are well tonight.
Court's got her band practice with Bubba and them tonight. They don't even have a name yet! HA
Gotta go!
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