I'm now winding down from today's many activities, which included church, eating out at Country Earl's Chomp and Stomp, pickin' and singing at Silkers and then The Cookout at our house. WHEW!I didn't take pictures in church because it ain't nice to, but I WANTED to and even had my cell phone out to take some, but I didn't want the girls to see me...so I didn't. Besides, all I would have gotten was the back of Art and Harold's heads.
I WILL say that the preacher called all the Mom's down front and we had to line up. LAWDY. I wasn't going to go, but I would have stood out being the only female in the pews. So, I VERY reluctantly went along with Caren, Will, Silker and Grandma Terry.
So, we get in this line and one by one we walk up to the preachers wife holding the mic and introduce ourselves, tell how many kids we have and say something SHORT. S-H-O-R-T. I had my high heels on and wasn't in no kind of mood to stand there long and I was towards the end of the line.
So, after awhile, it got to Grandma Terry, who did great. "I have 6 children and two live in California." Short and sweet. Then, Caren went and told all her children and grand children she has. GREAT.
MY TURN..."My name is Joan and I have 3 daughters of which numbers 1 and 3 are with me today! I also want to say what an honor it is to be here along with my in-laws, Uncle in-laws and Aunt in-laws".
Awwww...I had the audience by their tear glands. They were captivated! I move along, go back to my seat only to be told by HAROLD that I have to go back and stand back up front again. WHA? MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEEET HURT. So, I trudge back down front and the Mom's are still introducing themselves.
LAST in line is Silker. OH geeeeze. At this point my toes have charlie horses and I'm standing at a 45 degree angle, WHICH I cover nicely and you can't tell! Silker finally gets up there and proceeds with a disertation on her children, their names, her grand children...
the preachers wife was stunned and my feet were screaming. After about 10 more minutes of praising us, we get to hobble back to our pews. I took my FREAKing SHOES OFF my FREAKing feet and they are now in the trash can. and NO, I didn't get any pictures of any of that.
I KNEW once Silker saw that microphone, it was all over with...pass the offering plates and go on home...OVER WITH.
After that long ordeal, we leave and FLY to Country Earls to jump on the buffet line! WHEW...I'm glad we were one of the first ones there, cause we nearly cleaned them out of fried chicken!
Then, we went back to Silkers and sang and picked and then over to my house.
I know ya'll ain't going to believe it, but we ate AGAIN. I'm actually laughing because we had just eaten earlier and tore the buffet OUT! PLUS, Art ate cabbage at Country Earls and that ain't EVER pretty!
My parents came over too and LOVED the ribs. Mike's ribs are the best!
Harold and Art came over to eat AGAIN too and Harold got his hair shaved off! Actually, he finished another round of Chemo recently and his hair really started falling out, so Caren shaved it off. He looks like Kojak! HAAAAAAAAA
Actually, he looks nice and cool!
Britt was there! She gave me the prettiest flower pot to set outside for Mothers Day!
I KNOW my photo skills are amazing, but these flowers would have looked good even if a cell phone had taken them!
Dad brought some strawberries over the other day...a whole gallon! The girls ate them all in 36 hours! WOW!
Darrell....Harold wanted me to take this next pic for you so Harold could show you that he cleans his plate!
Court and Dillon was there and I didn't get a good pic of them....
Dillon LOVES ribs!
Well, that's it! Hope everyone had a great day and I'm working tomorrow, then off for 3 more days!!!!! LOVE IT!