But my brain did
! I have been in total baby-bliss as I knew I would. Lily has completely, totally and happily taken over our entire universe. It's like a huge bubble has settled over our family and we are perfectly content to stay inside it, only to venture out to work or go to Wal-Mart. hee!!Now, it's time to stretch the bubble out and poke my head thru and get back to reality. It's been nice tho!!
Let's see what all has happened during my sabbatical. Mom, after walking around in extreme pain for 3 weeks, learned that her hip was fractured. She had surgery and is now home recouping. Dad has been inspirational in his care for Mom. I have been SOOOO blessed to have him as a Dad and also my wonderful father-in-law in my life. It's a complete puzzlement to me how apples can fall so far from trees, but they do! Nuff said.
What else....MY BABY GIRL ASHLEY is doing SOOOOO good! She's happy, in love and happy. She's also very far from home. She will be home for a visit coming up and will be bringing "The One" home with her. "The One" is Jonathan. His family lives in Chicago and he has absolutely made my baby happier than I've ever seen her. I believe he is very happy too. We haven't met him...yet...and I hope he likes us! hee!! We are very southern, which should never be confused with ignorant. We are Southern in every sense of the word. Ash told me Jonathan went and bought a book on.... Southern etiquette. For one, I didn't know we had any. Or where it came from, cuz we don't know nothin' about it! HAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I hope he leaves his book at home. I will say, Britt's boyfriend and Court's fiance (more about that in a sec...) can't WAIT to spend some time with him. I think they've begun making plans. I don't ask any questions.
Britt (and I'm saving Court for last on purpose) is doing wonderful! She is a wonderful, beautiful Mom and Mike and I are beyond proud of her. The smiles that Lily has when she looks up at Britt says it all. I have never seen a baby look more like her mother, than Lily. And Summer's (cousin) daughter Alex to Summer. Anyways, Lily-Belles is a very happy, content, squishy baby! Her boyfriend Brandon has been like a miracle! He loves Britt and Lily and is so content to spend evening with them doing nothing but staring at Lily! His family has been so gracious to Britt and Lily and we are so SO lucky to witness their budding relationship!

Courtney, last Friday, became engaged to Dillon! If Mike and I could have hand-picked Courtney's life-mate, we couldn't have even come close to Dillon. He cherishes Courtney and she him. They aren't all sloppy with each other, but respectful, thoughtful and happy with each other. Dillon reminds me of Dad and also of my father-in-law. Quiet and content to let their women shine! hee
he also can pick a guitar, laugh, work, plan, console and sing! OK...I'm done gushing over Dilly-Bar (that's what I like to call him!!) They don't plan on marrying for a couple of years. Court's neck deep in her pursuit of a Radiology degree and Dillon is working at the Fire Department and getting settled in his new career.
Court's 20th birthday was Friday and of COURSE we had a party!
Yup! Both in the same day! My Aunt Aurelia made Court's cake and it was so cute and delicious!!
Ashley had ordered her a clock and she opened it at the party.
She got her and Dillon's favorite movie...(notice her engagement ring...)
and she got a laptop and much needed software for school...Dad captured her face as she first saw it!
Now, on to Lily.
Here is Lillie holding Lily...
I've never witnessed a relationship that Lillie (Grandma T.) has with Lily. Sr. loves Jr... Jr. loves Sr. Period.
look at Sr.'s face as I take over....
Pure worship!
I'm sure I've left out many events in our lives, but these are some of the highlights.
OHHHHHHHHH....I also became a convert and proud owner of....
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I love it! Mom got one too! Ashley will get one when she comes home so we can Facetalk!!!!
Gotta go feed Lily-O's!!!
More soon!
Joan and herd