Sunday, January 01, 2006

More pics....

That's Court on the left, Britt, Justin behind her and Deanna beside her. We were waiting for everyone to ski/snowboard down the mountain so I could capture the moment!

Here is the city of Linville, NC. It was so pretty there and I want a cabin up on the mountain. No TV's or phones (xcept my cell). Yup.

Britt just couldn't get the hang of what the snowboard was supposed to do!!

Britt snowboarded 3 feet. Total. I don't think snow is her forte.

That's Britt on the far right sitting with the pink cap. You can click on the picture to make it bigger.

Ash and Michael on the ski lift. I wish I could have been up top to take their picture falling OFF the ski lift! HAAAAAAA

Well, these are some of the better pictures. We had a wonderful Christmas week and it ended wonderfully. Now, it's back to reality. I have to work 12 hours tomorrow, Mike and the girls will be home cleaning out the van and taking down the Christmas tree and Mike needs to caulk around the bathtub. Michael went back to Camp LeJeune and Justin will be working.

Hope everyone had a good week and I hope to talk to everyone soon-

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