We are having a good weekend..as all should be! This is my weekend off and I'm also off tomorrow. To say that your off, while working in a hospital is WONderful. Monday's are usually your busiest day as are Fridays.
Dad sent me some pictures of a singing he and Mom went to, and all I can say is CHECK OUT THE HAIR!
I can hear Dad now telling me to behave. Check this out!

This picture made my day! hee hee...can you just iMAGine what she looks like when she first wakes up!!!! tee-hee Tammy Faye Jr.!
Actually, I should say that her picture is cropped off a bigger picture..she just kinda stood out!
Here are more pictures taken during this very eventful event!

That's Mom sitting with Frankie (R) and Frankie's sister (L).
Now, THIS picture is Dad,,,without his glasses thanks to cataract surgery..don't the other guy sitting there look just THRILLED! Hold your mouse over the picture and click...that will make it bigger...

This is Mom getting Dottie Rambo's autograph. Dottie is infamous in the Southern Gospel world, both for her singing, but more for her song writing. Courtney does a couple of her songs. She truely is one of the best.
Mom and Dad also went to Fletcher's baptism. Fletcher is Gina's fiance. I believe they are getting married in July. They attend Simpsonville First Baptist. I wanted to go, but, as usual when something happens I want to go to, I had to work that weekend.

I hope everyone is doing fine...I PROMISE to take some picture this weekend of...something! Dad is showing me up!
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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