Courtney was invited to the Toys for Tots fund raiser in Dalton, Ga last weekend. I didn't get to go because I had to work, but Mike and his maw went. Believe it or not, Mike actually took some good pictures....but DON'T tell him I said that! Shhhh........
Courtney was one of several people who was able to perform.
I heard it was decorated up real nice too with all the Christmas decorations.
She had a great time...I wish I could have been there.
She's been pretty busy lately singing just about every weekend somewhere. She's finished for the moment now just in time for Christmas.
Then, Tuesday, Courtney, then Ashley, then Brittany all came down with it too and they are STILL home. It's Thursday.
I took Courtney to the Dr. since she came down with it first after me and they prescribed Phenergan...said it would stop the nausea AND make them sleepy. Let me just say that when a Dr. TELLS me to give my three wide-open teenagers something to make them SLEEP...well, I nearly danced all the way to the pharmacy . I had no idea that was LEGAL! My house was so quiet and peaceful and even the dogs were happy while they slept. I like Phenergan...I wonder if the Dr. gave me any refills?!
Well, it didn't last long. So, I better run......more later!