Again, as we do every year, we attended the Great Battle of Canebrake in Fountain Inn, SC. All I can say is MAN was it COLD. It was in the low 20's when we got there at 10am, but soon warmed up to a balmy 35. Yeah Baby!
Courtney sang the National Anthem, Go Lassie Go and There's a Hero. YES, I took pics, videos etc. Mike and his Dad had went earlier to set up the sound system and there were about 200 people in attendance...200 VERY cold people!

This is Dad....Oh. My. Gosh. To anyone reading this, I am adopted. My true parents are little German people who DON'T WEAR HATS LIKE THIS.
Also, to anyone reading this, if you know of a job for this man, please call me. Part-time, full-time, ANY-time.
There were the usual Revolutionary War reinactors who were fantastic!
Courtney sang the National Anthem, Go Lassie Go and There's a Hero. YES, I took pics, videos etc. Mike and his Dad had went earlier to set up the sound system and there were about 200 people in attendance...200 VERY cold people!

This is Dad....Oh. My. Gosh. To anyone reading this, I am adopted. My true parents are little German people who DON'T WEAR HATS LIKE THIS.
Also, to anyone reading this, if you know of a job for this man, please call me. Part-time, full-time, ANY-time.
There were the usual Revolutionary War reinactors who were fantastic!
Also in attendance was a local high school's color guard. Courtney was checking them ALL out, baby!
Of course, with all the MANY fantastic pictures I take, I often get rather bored with perfection, so I have to spice them up a little. Hence, the black and white photo of Courtney.
I was thinking, in the Revolutionary War, they wouldn't have had colored film...or even film at all, so I took this photo to add to the vintageness of the moment! GOOD, ain't I!
AND lastly, I took this picture of Dad and Courtney. I didn't get any of Mike's Dad...he was busy helping set up with Mike.
Notice how I captured the the sun's rays glowing down on Courtney....THAT was no accident, but rather a carefully executed layout, created by me and God.
Dad will be sending me his pictures this afternoon. I'm sure he had to go home and take a nap first! hee hee...I will add them on here when he does....
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