We made it back and it was SOOOO beautiful! Ashley has lost weight and acts SO much more mature! She's beautiful and you can tell from the pics...
She was on the drill team...the only female and did great. At one point, she looked up at us and smiled!
She has two ribbons already...one for graduating and one for markmanship or something...she fired her 9mm good. That was her first time ever even touching a gun! My baby can SHOOT!
After the drill team's performance, then the graduation started and it was great too. She rejoined her company then.
That's her "Company Commanders" giving her her "diploma" or whatever it's called. I'm framing it! I was MOST amazed that she stood still for that long...that in itself was incredible! Look at the creases in her blouse! SHE IRONED THAT! OMG! HAAAAAAAA
Well, I'm off to bed. I have a TON of pics from that day at:
I'll write more tomorrow!
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