Tuesday, January 27, 2009
O.M.Geeee **UPDATED**
Need I say more?
I was piddling around
my pictures and found this one...
Can you believe Cujo was ever this small?
Awwwwww....I also found this one...
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and I found this one...
Geeeeze they look just like meeeeeeeeeeee! ha That's it! Time to go watch American Idol so I can see how many times Court and I are featured on there! hee Joan

I'm figuring out blogspot....
So, yesterday as I was dutifully adding pics on my posting, I became increasingly frustrated at my inability to make the pics on here appear BIGGER! WHA??? There is something that I CANNOT DO?! Ain't happening,
YEAH, Babeeeeee!

So, after a few attempts at editing my html, I edited my html on my template and saved it as default! HUH?
Dad and Silker, that means I fixed it.
Lauren, I KNOW you knew what that meant! GO GURL!
So...check this out....
Let me see what else...
We got us a real, bonafide, say-it-ain't-so, DEACON in our FAMILY! Woot-Woot!!
This past weekend, my Uncle Dave, the man who Mom says "walks on water", got DEACONIZED!
AND, of course Dad was there to capture the moment!
I'm sure generations of McCauleys was sitting in heaven wondering..."HUH? What took so long?" But, again, that's due to our superior genetic structure (as was mentioned in several postings earlier). See?
That's all my Uncles and Aunt on Dad's side...I see the genes for beauty double-dipped on them!!! If we can just get Uncle Dave to WAKE UP!
Congratulations Uncle Dave! Mom says your feet truely are webbed !!!
The family gave Uncle Dave the family bible. I wish I could have been there, but I had to W.O.R.K. of course.
Well, that's it for this morning. Ya'll don't KNOW how much easier it is to post pics now this way, so expect to see many more postings this year!!!
Love to allllllllllllll-
Monday, January 26, 2009
Trip to Vriginia to get Ashley
LAST Friday, Mike, Courtney and I drove to Virginia to get Ashley and bring her home!!! WOO-HOO!! It was a nice drive and when we arrived, Ashley met us at the gate and she looked beautiful in her sweat pants and coat...it was COLD!
She took us to her boat so we could tour it!
That's the bridge to get up on her boat, which is in the BACK of the boat. Once on there, she showed us the "Helm" I think it was called.That's her holding on to a bar...
which she uses when the ship is rocking. On her last patrol she said, they were ALL SOOOOO seasick...she demonstrated EXACTLY WHERE and HOW she threw up over the side of the boat...
Across the little bit of water, was another boat exactly like hers, the "Tampa" She took us all thr
uout her boat and showed us the high-lights. I didn't get any of her sleeping area because there were two other girls in there and I didn't think they would appreciate me snapping away.
Here is a link to all the pics I took on there, which are two many to post on here...
We then came on back home and Saturday, she went car shopping most of the day. Sunday was our big CHRISTMAS PARTY! It was nice to have her home for that!
Don't ask! haaaaaaaaaaa!! BAH-HAAAAAAAA
Dad took all these pics and there are ALOT!
Here is one of my favorites! I have two gorgeous neices and one HOT NEPHEW! hee Deanna was unable to make it and we missed her! Lauren has grown up SOO much it ALMOST made me feel...."old", BUT NOT REALLY! haaaaaaaaa! I'm just glad the best of my genetic code has been passed down to them and my babies too!
CCan't you tell!!!
Here is a pic of the kids sitting around listening to Britt...
Here is another good one with Silker and Britt in it...
Here is Britt holding Harley...I LOVE this pic!!!
Ashley had told us a story where on her boat, they have "FISH CALL" and she always watches everybody else fish. So, I thought it would be very thoughtful of us to get her her very own fishing pole! Grandma Terry perked up at that!
Here is another great one with MEEEEEEEEEEEE in it...and the rest of my family...
Here's one with Silker and Papa...don't THEY look SOOOO HAPPY! haaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Here's one of my side of the family....
Courtney has on my bedroom shoes in that pic!
Here is a pic of Ash and Courtney's bedroom, which we re-did this past summer...AFTER Ashley left! ha
That's about all the pics I'll add here...here is the like to ALLL the Christmas pics...
So, after that, Momday, it was back to Truck shopping with Ashley. Then on Inaguration Day, Ash finally found her truck!
and here is a pic of her sitting in it...with me in the back seat...
Then after ALLLLLLLLLLLL that and so much more we did last week, she left back out Saturday morning...she sent me this pic of her driving...
While she was home too, we bought her a new phone and we told her to pick out what she wanted and you ain't gonna BELIEVE WHAT SHE BOUGHT...

yup! She got one JUST LIKE MINE! I told ya'll my genes are strong! I didn't even think she would like the Blackberry, but she loves it! HA.
Well, that's about it for today...now it's time to take the Christmas tree down FINALLY and get back to normal around here.
More soon!
Monday, January 05, 2009

I'll get over it.
So...last night I was waiting on Britt to come home to help take care of P.J.'s puppy and "Harley" decided to fall asleep.....AWWWWWWWWWWHe didn't stay like that for long!!!

Then, at work this morning wishing I had a piece of cake so I made my self my own Latte....
Not NEARLY the same, but when you're thinking of IMAGINARY cake, a fake Lattee works good too! haaaaaaaaaa

Sunday, January 04, 2009
Charleston to see Ashley
We had the BEST time in Charleston and got to see ASHLEY! She looked, sounded and hugged GREAT!
We met with her and 3 guys from her boat at Wild Wings in downtown Charleston!
Of couurse I was there to capture the moments! After we ate...which I didn't take pics of that due to her fear that we may EMBARRASS her in front of her boat mates, we went SHOPPING! Or rather, SHE went shopping!
She shopped and shopped and shopped! We even went to the slave market, but the vendors had all closed up.
So, we left there and drove to more shopping places! AND SHE SHOPPED....
and she shopped.....
and they tried on sunglasses...
and they shopped some more...
SOOOoooo...while they shopped, Mike rested..
Well, it was raining, so we decided to go back to the motel and visit awhile before Ash had to be back at her boat (midnight). Let me tell ya'll, when you're used to getting up at 4:45am and going to bed by 9pm, staying up till midnight was STRANGE!
We stayed at the Embassy Suites in N. Charleston, which was 3 miles from the Navy base where her boat was.
So, we got back there and I pulled up her boats web site on Britt's laptop and had her look at all the pics there so she could tell me who everyone was, which she did and smiled the whole time.
She also went on her myspace and all, but she spent little time on the internet, which was shocking! So then Mike had to go on YOUTUBE.COM and show her videos of stupid stuff, which I'm VERY sure bored her...
so she fiddled with her phone...

Then it was time to take MORE pics of us...she came and plopped down beside me on the couch and we took pics of everyone
and finally, the BEST pic of the entire trip...
We were unable to tour her boat due to the heavy security there...and it was late and the guest check-in place was closed.
She will only be on this boat for a few more months, then she's off to A-School and who knows after that!
I know she's HAPPY and loves what she's doing and that's all I need to know!
Love to all-
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