She took us to her boat so we could tour it!
That's the bridge to get up on her boat, which is in the BACK of the boat. Once on there, she showed us the "Helm" I think it was called.That's her holding on to a bar...
which she uses when the ship is rocking. On her last patrol she said, they were ALL SOOOOO seasick...she demonstrated EXACTLY WHERE and HOW she threw up over the side of the boat...
Across the little bit of water, was another boat exactly like hers, the "Tampa" She took us all thr
uout her boat and showed us the high-lights. I didn't get any of her sleeping area because there were two other girls in there and I didn't think they would appreciate me snapping away.
Here is a link to all the pics I took on there, which are two many to post on here...
We then came on back home and Saturday, she went car shopping most of the day. Sunday was our big CHRISTMAS PARTY! It was nice to have her home for that!
Don't ask! haaaaaaaaaaa!! BAH-HAAAAAAAA
Dad took all these pics and there are ALOT!
Here is one of my favorites! I have two gorgeous neices and one HOT NEPHEW! hee Deanna was unable to make it and we missed her! Lauren has grown up SOO much it ALMOST made me feel...."old", BUT NOT REALLY! haaaaaaaaa! I'm just glad the best of my genetic code has been passed down to them and my babies too!
CCan't you tell!!!
Here is a pic of the kids sitting around listening to Britt...
Here is another good one with Silker and Britt in it...
Here is Britt holding Harley...I LOVE this pic!!!
Ashley had told us a story where on her boat, they have "FISH CALL" and she always watches everybody else fish. So, I thought it would be very thoughtful of us to get her her very own fishing pole! Grandma Terry perked up at that!
Here is another great one with MEEEEEEEEEEEE in it...and the rest of my family...
Here's one with Silker and Papa...don't THEY look SOOOO HAPPY! haaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Here's one of my side of the family....
Courtney has on my bedroom shoes in that pic!
Here is a pic of Ash and Courtney's bedroom, which we re-did this past summer...AFTER Ashley left! ha
That's about all the pics I'll add is the like to ALLL the Christmas pics...
So, after that, Momday, it was back to Truck shopping with Ashley. Then on Inaguration Day, Ash finally found her truck!
and here is a pic of her sitting in it...with me in the back seat...
Then after ALLLLLLLLLLLL that and so much more we did last week, she left back out Saturday morning...she sent me this pic of her driving...
While she was home too, we bought her a new phone and we told her to pick out what she wanted and you ain't gonna BELIEVE WHAT SHE BOUGHT...

yup! She got one JUST LIKE MINE! I told ya'll my genes are strong! I didn't even think she would like the Blackberry, but she loves it! HA.
Well, that's about it for it's time to take the Christmas tree down FINALLY and get back to normal around here.
More soon!
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