Yesterday morning, Court calls me from school and said she was nauseated. SO, once again, I go get her from school...why is it she ONLY gets sick when I'm off work?!? Anyways, she actually WAS sick! If ya'll remember, she had stomach surgery a few years ago which makes it nearly impossible for her to throw-up...she can, it's just extremely painful. Well MAN was she sick. Her stomach and back muscles hurt her so bad last night after she started feeling better. Poor baby...but she's going to school today. period.
I, once again, have no pictures to add here. I did take a couple with my BLACKBERRY CURVE in PINK of the dogs, but they aren't really blog-worthy...just Ashley-worthy. I sent them to her.
Mom and Dad, Uncle Harry, Ester and Aunt Aurelia and I'm not sure if Dale went, but they all went to Spartanburg to see a show at the auditorium. Dad was there with his camera and took loads of pics. Here are a few of those...
Here are all the ones that was there...
Mom and Dad said it was a really good show...TOOOOO bad I was sick and couldn't go!!!!
Here is a link to all the fun-filled pictures Dad took-
Well, that's it from me for the moment.
Hopefully we're over all this sickness...Mike's Dad has been pretty sick too with a head cold...he said yesterday he was feeling a little better. GOOD.
Ashley texted me last night and said SHE has a cold! She was having to drive herself all the way to 7-eleven to get her own juice. sniff sniff....IN THE FREEZING COLD! ALL BY HERSELF!! and it was COLD! sniff sniff....
I guess I'll have to add vitamin C to her next care package!!! POOR baby!
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