NOTHING new has happened around here the past few days. I haven't heard 1 single word from Ashley either OR had one single alphabet letter emailed to me either. The General-Admiral of the Coast Guard needs to let her call/email home. I sure hope she's doing good and eating enuff and ain't fell off the boat and all...
Tonight is Courtney's school chorus "Dinner Theater" evening. It includes a dinner and then a show! And before all ya'll are wondering if there will be photos taken...HAAAA...of COURSE! AND, since I'm off work tomorrow, I will have time to put them on here! Dad will be taking his camera too, which, out of daughterly duty, I will include some on here, but the GOOD pictures that I take, will be featured...naturally!
I haven't taken any pics the past couple of days due to the weather. I have taken TONS of the dogs laying around, but I'll spare ya'll those. Poor Boomer...he's gotten so used to me taking his picture that when he's laying down and I say, "Smile for the camera, Boomer", he don't even open his eyes anymore. I don't reckon my blinding him with the camera flash every few minutes has helped either.
SO, I dug thru some pictures that I have taken and don't remember posting these...
Ashley, that one was for you!
This next picture I took the other day when the plumber was over at the house and I was trying to occupy myself outside...

That picture was taken at a distance and I haven't edited the picture.
This last picture was taken when Courtney went horseback riding. It was taken with a cell phone as I wasn't invited to join her and capture the moment...
I could SOOO have taken some great pictures....sniff sniff....!!
Well, that's it for the moment. I actually went grocery shopping yesterday, so I no longer have the excuse of not cooking becase we don't have any groceries. (I tried to sneak the groceries in the house so they wouldn't see them, but the ever vigilent Courtney sniffed them out.) So, now I gotta go cook breakfast.
More soon!
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