Mike's family got back from California as I mentioned below and I finally saw them ! They took a LOAD of pics from all across the US...I will put them on here as soon as I get them to my computer...hopefully today.
My parents also have pictures to share, of which I have access to. Firstly, they went to my Aunt Rheba's house to visit and then drove to her son Tommy's house that he is wanting to buy. They said it was absolutely GORgeous!
Can you imagine living HERE! OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! If you look closely, you see Mom and Aunt Rheba looking thru the windows...geeeze. I hope noone was home.
Here is a pic of the BOAT HOUSE!
Now, if this was MY place, that would be MY little house within my place. NO KIDS ALLOWED. I LOVE it!
Then, the next day, Mom was sick, so Dad went to Aunt Aurelia's house to celebrate my Uncle Dale's birthday! They like to celebrate stuff....and EAT!
Dad sent me pics of that too. Here is a pic of my cousin Kristie (Uncle Dale's daughter), whom I haven't seen in Y-E-A-R-S, her 2 kids, who I believe I saw when they were just infants and her boyfriend/husband/fiance...not sure whichbut will clarify with Dad.
As I have said MANY times before, we McCauley's got some purty genes!
Anyways, Kristie works at the Travelers Rest Police Dept. as a dispatcher and her boyfriend/husband/fiance is a COP there!
Now, if ya'll remember back some time ago, Courtney received her first warning ticket there, but this guy wasn't the cop. Course it was pitch dark and the blare of the flashing blue lights was quite blinding and the howl of Courtney squawling was deafing against the shrillness of Mike YELLING BESIDE MY EAR, but I'm certain this wasn't him. BUT, it's good to know we got kin in the po-lice dept. up there!
Did I already mention how purty our genes are?? I ain't quite sure what Esther is doing...maybe napping?!
I KNOW it must make him proud to have his grand-daughter, like, TOTALLY into tech stuff! It makes ME proud and I'm her cousin! sniff sniff....
I love this pic...two cousins staring at a computer screen...
Ahhh well...I wish I could have been there, but AS USUAL, I had to work. Maybe this year they will be at Aunt Aurelia's house for one of the holidays when I'm there.
As for our news, Courtney bought her prom dress, which is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I would put a pic of it on here, but she would kill me. She will have the "unveiling" on prom day and Dad and I will capture it then. She's going with a bunch of girls and they're planning a whole day of it...an "EVENT" of it. This bunch of girls she is friends with are VERY nice and all come from good families and they all go to church together. What more could a parent as for? At least she ain't going with some FREAKING boy and I'd have to listen to AND watch Mike pace the floors till she got back home.
Well, that's about it. The weather ouside is going to be just about perfect and I plan on enjoying it as I head to Wal-Mart later on. I might even get wild and go to Big-Lots! ha
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