WHAT A GAME! What a DAY! It was just Mike, Courtney and myself that went and we had the BEST time...the only thing that would have made it better was if Brittany and Ashley could have been there.

So we get there early and get Courts picture taken with a statue...what is it with her and statues?
Then I get her and Mike with the statue...
Notice the T-shirt Court has on??? YES, she LOVES Chipper Jones
So, we watch batting practice...
Then after about 2.5 seconds, Mike decides his belly has about 2 inches of room, so we gotta go eat.
NOW...let me say that we had these tickets that allowed us into the 755 Club there. THAT was nice! To get to it, you get on an elevator with an elevator man! You ain't even gotta push the button to go up!
Then you go into the restaurant part...
that over looks the ball park. There was a buffet in there...
but we didn't eat that. I came for a HOT DOG and Court went for Chicken wings!
So, we opted to eat outside that over looked the ball park...
It was still batting practice, so we wanted to hurry and eat and get to our seats, which was better than in the clubhouse table.
AND THEN...Courtney got her first glimpse of...CHIPPER JOOOONES...
and her second look...
Here he is batting....notice the blurry white line on the far left of the picture! THA BALL!!!
Here is another pic of him batting....
I took that one too and added his name! YES, I know...talent knows no bounds! ha
There is Glen Hubbard for those of ya'll that remember him from a few years ago. He's one of the coaches now...
Here's the dug-out or whatever it's called...
I put all the days pics here...
We had the "ALMOST" best day...missed the other two girls there...but it was fantastic!
Ashley comes home Saturday and I gotta get the house ready! I can't TELLLLL ya'll how excited we are to get her back home. She's so excited too and Courtney is about to FLIP waiting on Ash to get back home. I'm just thinking of ALL the photo ops. I will have next week! ha
More soon-