Mike liked this picture.
Anyways...notice the look of GLEE on Courtney's face!
Gurl knows her frozen yogurt!
Mike said he ain't touching the stuff. His body is a fine tuned machine and anything healthy in it may throw it off! geeeeze.
So then, we head to the park...
Mike loves the camera too!
Donna looks good tho..she's lost a TON of weight!
Dad, I took this picture...notice the difference in mine and Mikes...??
MUCH better color and stuff.
Mike speaks...
nobody listens....
I took this next picture...notice the reflection in the water???
I know...cool!
Courtney said she could do one better, so she takes THIS picture...SO Courtney-like!!
Here's Court posing...or maybe her belly hurts?!
and here is Mike telling her to get OUT OF THE WATER....
Then she finds this statue...I've always said she could carry on a conversation with a statue!
Bless her heart....
Of course her cell phone was ALWAYS handy...
and her Daddy making sure it isn't any boys calling her...
I would have put more pics of Donna on here, but she didn't want me too. Britt was at Peeej's house.
That's it for that! We went back home and watched the rest of the race...we taped it...only to discover we had missed the BIGGEST wreck of the decade! WOWWWWWW
Gotta go! We're headed to Atlanta today to go to the Atlanta Braves Baseball game. I THINK they're playing St. Louis...not sure...don't care...just as long as they got HOT DOGS! hee!!
I'll have PLENTY of pics to post on here tomorrow of that!!!
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