Thankfully we didn't get any swine flu at the hospital I work at, but enough people THOUGHT they had it and wanted testing for it. I wished they had put a BIG sign by the road to the hospital that said, "Stomach Flu ain't SWINE FLU ya'll"! haaaaaaaaa

Ashley left back to Portsmouth Saturday morning and Sunday morning, she went to Busch Gardens there in Virginia. I thought they had hippo's there, but she didn't see any. The one in Tampa does.
She's going sky diving this Saturday of which I AIN'T happy about at all. nope. And she knows it too. Alot of good that does! She's getting her decent back to earth video taped for my mothers day present. Ain't that just special.
Dad and I finally got a few of our pictures uploaded to our web albums from friday night. Courtney's band went to Maggie Valley to perform at the Stompin' Grounds there.
We got some great pics, OF which, mine are better! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Dad, I've noticed, likes to take staged, posed pictures of people and things. I, on the other hand, like informal situations, which leads to MUCH better subjects.
Dad's now thinking, "WHATEVER".
Here is an excellent example.
Here is Dad's pic of what he likes to take pics of...
So, you think. Hmmmm....pretty shrubbery...YAWNNnnnnnnn ZZzzzzzzzzz..........
A picture I took of what I like to take pics of is this...
This picture makes one ponder...WHAT are they whispering and giggling over? Could it be that their mother just finished clogging with her camera around her neck? BAH-HAAAA!
Another example of dad's skill....
Good AVERAGE pic...Ashley dancing with semi-hottie while her Grandma, broom in hand, scopes out ANY man to dance with (this is a "Broom-Dance" where the broom holder throws the broom down during a song and everyone scrambles around exchanging dance partners. The one left without a partner grabs the broom and it begins again. Sort of like musical chairs).
Silker always managed to get the broom! BAH-HAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa!
Here's what Ashley got -
SO, not to be out done....Silker got JEALOUS! She threw the broom down and....
rannnnn to HIM! GRINNING!!!!
Much more interesting, not to mention photographically superior than Dad's.
Here are all Dad's pics....
and here are some of mine (I'm not finished with them yet....)
Here is a pic of dad checking out his work....
I think he was scared his pics wouldn't turn out out or something. ha
Well, that's it for today unless something blog-worthy comes up!
Have a great day!
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