Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back to work...

Well, my playing is over!
Yesterday was Mike's parents 50th Anniversary. Mike took the pictures from his camera and I haven't had a second to put them on the computer, but I will tonight when I get off between PACKING for our trip on Friday....
When I update this blog tonight, I'll describe it all!
Have I mentioned we're going on a TRIP FRIDAY?!?! ha
I talked to Ashley yesterday and she's sick in the bed with a cold that's going around her boat...she took some cold medicine. I told her to somehow get some vitamin C, but I know that ain't gonna happen. She should be better by Friday anyways.
I did mention our trip for THIS Friday, didn't I??!!
I just remembered that I forgot to go to the grocery store yesterday. Yesterday, Court and I took Mike's Grandma out to eat and then to the Goodwill Store to shop. That's her most FAVORITE store ever! She's 90 years old and gets around like a kid! She gets her buggy and takes off!
That's it for the moment- more soon!
I have to go pack somemore FOR OUR TRIP THIS FRIDAY! heeee

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