We started off Friday night at Pumpkintown where we all went. Dad, Courtney and I showed out as usual and the people were so happy to see us! In fact, when I walked in ahead of the rest of our herd, everyone immediately looked past me to make sure Dad and Court came too! Wasn't that sweet!
I forgot to mention that Court purchased herself a new Guitar...I may have mentioned this before. Anyways, it's a Martin BackPacker...

Isn't it cute! (the guitar, not the lady standing beside her....) She ALWAYS trys to get in Courtney's pictures.
I think SOMEone hit a bad note...look at Courtney's expression! HAAAA
AND..."You-Know-Who" had to get in on it too....she's ALWAYS trying to hog my spotlight.
Gets on my last nerve.
This is us sittin', pickin' and grinnin'!!! hee
Here is Court with one of the regulars that goes up there...
and here she is doing what she loves...
Saturday, Britt and I went to a Job Fair offered by Greenville something or nother. There wasn't much to it but Waffle House, Wal-Mart, Kroger, the Army and every insurance co. known to man was there. Mary Kay told Britt if SHE gave THEM $100., they'd "guarantee" her a job! Wasn't that nice?! She did hand out 2 resumes for Phlebotomy positions. We'll see.
Then she and I went to a new Japanese restaurant that opened up and Britt could NOT figure out what to do with the chop sticks...

Then last night, we went to Music on Main or whatever it's called.
Court sang. Will was there...it was her Birthday! 
I think Mike got bored....
and had to pick on his Grandma...
I thought this was a neat pic Court took....notice how I'm in it too? There's that lady again trying to steal my "moment". whatever.
Court gets her photo skills from ME!
Then we went to....GUESS?!?! GUADALAJARA! Geeeeze. We didn't stay long because there were SOOO many people there, including the "GEEK CLUB". That's this group of people that advertise as being those who were picked on in high school, who "never fit it" etc...they're in their 30's and they meet there one Saturday night a month, which was last night. There are about 40 of them.
If you SAW them, you'd understand why they were picked on, but that's just my opinion.
That's about it for the moment.
**ASHLEY UPDATE**- She is QMOW QUALIFIED! What is that, you ask? It's "Quater Master of the Watch" and now she gets to "QuaterMaster" alot. Not sure exactly what that entails, but she sure is excited about it. Now she's working on getting "Boat Crew" qualified. I know what that means...she can ride out on these tiny little boats and board other boats! She's VERY excited about training for that.
That's it for today, I reckon. ya'll have a great day!
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