HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!Actually, yesterday was her birthday, but due to our never being home and working and Court's busy schedule and Mike and Britt's working schedule, we had to have it night before last....after I got off work at 7pm.
Mike made reservations for 7 at the Outback and us 4 (YES, Ash, we missed YOU!), Silker and them, Donna, Deanna and her two friends and my parents...13 of us in all, went out to eat. Then after that, we all came back to Silkers house to eat cake, ice cream and open presents!
Now...before all ya'll critique these following pics...note that I didn't take nearly all of them, but Dad did. So, if they're uncharacteristically "ain't right", blame him!
I also want to add that his outfit is exact outfit that she wore yesterday to get her Homecoming pics in! I ain't sure if that's a fashion Faux Paux or not, but whatever.
Here she is making a wish before blowing out her candles...
Here is Britt watching...she won't eat cake because she's losing weight to join the Air Force...(that's sugar free ice cream she's eating!!)
Here she is sitting...waiting to open her presents...
Now HOW'D she get in here!
HAAAAAAAA! Here's Mike eating...he's "supposed" to be on a diet too...whatev.
Here Courtney is opening a card from my parents...a gift card to T.J. Maxx...she LOVES that store...
This card was from Grandma Terry. Silker had cut a picture of Courtney and stuck it in one of the windows...it was SO CUTE!
This next pic is of some shoes Silker got Court. Now these are the VERY SAME SHOES people wore in the 80's. NERDY TEENAGER shoes. I, naturally, would NEVER have EVER worn them. EVER.
She LOVES LOVES LOVES them and wore them to school this morning.
This bag, also from Silker, contained shampooy stuff. As you can tell from her long hair, she needs all she can get!
Mike and I got her a Mini laptop...she totally wasn't expecting it!
Here it is...
and this is an amplifier made just for acoustic guitars, OF which, she has 3 of!
My camera's batteries went dead here, so this was the last pic taken. We went on and she took it out of the box and plugged it in, got one of her guitars out and used it! It sounds great!
She had a great day.
Yesterday, her actual birthDAY, she came down with a terrible head cold. She went to school, came home at 1:45pm (she gets out early this year since she's a senior) put on the outfit you see above, and had her homecoming pics made with her escort, Justin. She came back home, put her Jammies on, walked across the street where Grandma Terry had made a huge pot of Salmon Stew, one of Court's favorites. She ate that, walked back home and went to bed. I went to Wal-mart and got her some medicine.
This morning, she's feeling a tiny bit better. She went on to school. We'll see how long she stays! She has to take her Pageant dress after school today to be altered. Her Daddy won't let her out of the house with the cleavage on it cut clear down to her stomach, so we gotta get it altered somehow. The lady at the gown shop said a seamstress can cut a piece out of the petticoat underneath and sew it up top and sew sequins on to that so it looks like it was made that way. We couldn't FIND a dress that wasn't made more conservative...we couldn't hardly find a pageant dress at all this time of year.
I would put a pic of it on here, but Court asked me not too. She wants all ya'll to see it when it's finished, her hair is done and make-up on. SO...the Miss Mauldin High School pageant is Sept. 29th at 7pm...Dad and I will be there too with our cameras ready!
Homecoming is Oct. 8th, which Mauldin will be playing Dorman High School. Dorman is the biggest school I've ever seen. It's a CITY! and they start feeding their boys solid foods at birth...they're HUGE, CORN-FED, gigantic boys! It should be a great game!!! I think Court has her Homecoming outfit already...it maybe what she had her pic taken in yesterday...who knows. Just thinking about all that makes me crazy.
I promised Britt we'd go to a movie today and out for lunch. She is SUCH a great girl and I'm gonna MISS HER when she leaves for her career in the Air Force! WOWWWWWW
and Megan, Ashley's room-mate, has been taken off life support and was sitting in a chair last night on NO MEDICINES! She remembers very little of last week. She gets winded very easily, so Ash had to tone it down while around her. She is SUCH a lucky girl to have survived this. We just hope she can fully recover quickly!
Ash is coming home Oct. 3rd and staying a WHOLE WEEK! Then she goes back to Portsmouth, packs up her apartment and heads to A-School in Yorktown on Oct. 18th. We're all really hoping she can come home for Christmas!!! All of us miss her dreadfully. I'm just SO thankful we have cell phones with CAMERAS!
Have a great day everyone!