She went fishing last week! MY BABY FISHED!

OBviously, she did NOT take this pic and I'm not sure who did...I DO know it was a male tho. Hmmmm.....she didn't catch any fish. I did tell her that one must be totally QUIET when one fishes...might 'splain why they ain't no fish! hee
We were sitting in Guadalajara's last night...where else would we be on a Saturday night...and she sent me this pic... I detect LIPSTICK on my baby???! I tried to call a whole bunch of times...and she didn't answer. I'm sure that's because I told her to never drive and talk on the phone. Glad she was doing something I asked her to!
She must have driven somewheres far away, because she never did answer her phone! hmmmm
She's COMING HOME THIS COMING WEEKEND! For a whole week! Then she goes back to Virginia, finishes moving out of her apartment and moves into the barracks for a couple days, then reports to A-School on the 18th or 19th of this month.
Now for her BIG WHOPPING NEWS! Her boat had a going away ceremony her last day on the boat Thurs. and she was awarded the Commendation Medal
Ain't it pretty??? She also received a long letter full of her achievements and she was SOOOOO PROUD...I mean SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Proud! She is still a non-rate and she said for her to have earned this after only a year of service and to be able to wear it to A-School makes her beyond proud of herself! She's so ready for A-School and is motivated and eager to go!
She will now have 5 ribbons. I told her she will need a back brace to support all the bling-ribbons she'll be wearing! She's so happy and that's about all we could ask for with her!!!!
That's it for today. I'm sure there's alot of stuff I'm leaving out. I'll update as I remember! ha
When she comes home this weekend, she's bring home her ribbons and letter and all and I'll take a pic of it (of course) and share with ya'll!
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