I just finished practicing my guitar. I nearly deafened my teacher the other day...if the sound wasn't SOOO horrifying, it might have been funny. I think I saw a tear well up in his eye. Did I mention that I didn't practice any last week?
I'm on here to show ya'll a picture of Ashley's barracks room at A-School. It's so TINY!

So is this picture, but she sent it with her cell phone. Her bed is the one on the right. Who'd a thought she actually knew how to make up a bed! She doesn't sleep IN it tho, but rather on top of the blankets and all. She took her elastic ties she uses to hold her shirt tucked in and it clips on the bottom of her shirt tail to the top of her socks on the inside of her trousers. Anyway, she took those straps and clipped them on under her mattress to hold her blanket tight! COOL! My baby so SMART!
She has so far taken 3 written tests and made one 95 and two 100's. She had her first Physical fitness test today and did great on all except the push-ups! WHAAAA???? She ran 1 1/2 miles in 12 minutes and did the sit-ups, pull-ups etc great. She can DO some push-ups, so I don't know if she was tired out or WHAT, but baby better get to pushing!!! She said there is a trainer at Langley Air Force gym, (about 5 miles away) and he is willing to help her. She is so driven to finish at the top of her class, that she will get anyone to help her. I think she pushes herself AT TIMES, too hard, but that's her. She's generally pretty laid back, but she's SOOO determined to finish at the top. We'll see!
We plan on driving her to graduation in January, and I can't WAIT! I love all the hoopla that goes on during these ceremonies and she has mentioned twice now that she wants us there, so there we shall be!
That's it for my ramblings! I gotta work tomorrow, WHICH should be my day off, BUT another girl is on vacation, so I gotta go in. Thankfully another girl is working Sunday, or I'd be there too.
The hospital has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fulllllllll of patients! WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? And, sad to say, most of them wait until they are so sick, THEN go to the ER instead of their family Dr. We've had alot of sick SICK patients lately.
Gotta go wash clothes!!!
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