We started off Friday night at Homecoming. Court and Mike looked fantastic on the football field.
Dad took these pics. He has my memory disk, so I haven't seen them yet.
Ever the hams..
Here is an arial view..
Here are the girls and Lauren, who has grown another foot..
So after all that, Lauren went back home after half time because she had a volleyball tournament the next morning, Britt and Ash went to somebody boyfriends sisters house or whatever and Mike and Court went to Guadalajaras.
The next morning was Fall for Greenville and the YAMS were there.
Court was ready and getting her "rythmn section" (gum) warmed up..
Her hair is getting so long
We have told her a million times to OPEN HER EYES WHEN SHE SINGS....right
Here is Mike telling Courtney precisely what, when, how and WHAT to do...see how she pays attention..
HAAAAAAAAA....I think that about sums their relationship up! heee
YESSSSSSSSSSS, Dad...I KNOW I'm number 1....geeze...SOOO embarassing...
Dad took this next pic....I know to give him props for it because he told me to! KIDDING!
Here we are..
Ash was there too...
Britt was there, but she wasn't feeling good and would NOT let me take her picture.
So, after all that, we headed up in the van and took off to Hiawassee, WHICH the girls couldn't wait to get to because of....Ryan and Jereeeeeemy. Awwww.
SOOO, first thing I make them do when we got to the fairgrounds was find a clump of hay and make them stand in front of it. IT'S TRADITION!
Then the girls had to go find the boys...here's Ash and Jeremy...
Here are Britt and Court with Ryan...
Here's Mike and Court playing around...I love this pic...
Ryan works on a cow farm and I asked him if he birthed any cows lately. HE DID! He even showed me a pic of the calf on his cell phone!
SOOO, after all the visiting and stuff, it was time for Court to change clothes and sing...
My girl has been on this HUGE diet and it shows!
There her eyes are closed AGAIN!
So, after all that, the girls went out to eat with the boys and the rest of us went back to the motel. They ate at Huddle House! heee
The next morning, we got ready to head back to Mauldin early so Ash could drive on up to Portsmouth and get up there before dark.
Here they are getting ready to leave...
Here is Mike and the girls...
Here is the view from the back porch....
Here Silker and them are waiting on Mike to load the van up...
We all went to Shoney's to eat a big breakfast before heading back home. GUESS WHO ATE WITH US? YUP...Ryan and Jereeeeemy!
I told the boys how they looked better than my girls...notice how they did NOT want their pics taken! BAH-HAAAAA...I didn't care! hee
I MADE them pose anyways...
That's it for today....here are the links to her videos...
Here is "Crazy Arms"...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMw4dTzBD5c
here is How Great Thou Art...
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