There she is getting pinned by Megan, her best friend who is stationed on the FORWARD.
She is still in recovery from her illness over the summer, so hopefully will rejoin her boat soon!
Here they are getting in line to march to another ceremony we went to. Ashley is the one laughing
Here she is with...I forget his name, but he's from Arizona headed to San Francisco...WHY anyone would CHOOSE San Francisco is beyond me, but what do I know!
Here she is with 3 of the 4 foreigners (not counting the Yankees...ha) in her class. They were from Haiti and Liberia and SUPER nice!
Here she is being quiet and still and junk. 
That didn't last long! BAH-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Here she is with her sisters, who once again, would NOT let me take their pictures.
Here is a link to all the pics I took with the camera.
These haven't been touched up at all because I had to FREAKING work today and tomorrow and haven't had one spare second to fix them up...BUT, me and/or Dad will!
We had a great GREAT rained the entire time, but I didn't even hardly notice. Britt and Court were sorry they only had two eyeballs apiece to gawk at all the boys there in their uniforms! I thought as I was looking at all the boys, I bet their Moms would be in SHOCK if they saw their sons there, all pressed, clean, un-wrinkled, and sharp looking...and THE BOYS DID IT THEMSELVES! ALL OF IT! I was impressed and so was Britt and Court!
Well, that's about it...I have a ton more to say, but I just got off work and I'm going to bed.
Ash had new tires put on her truck today and Mike bought her some huge tubs to put in her truck. We're HOPING to get her a hard-cover for her truck bed before we leave out week after next for Seattle. We'll see....
They've all gone to Guadalajara's to sing, and I'm going to bed with the dogs!
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