Here is Harold while he still has hair! ha
and another.
He really does look great!
The other night, they all piled in his son's pick-up truck to go out to eat and I HAD to take a picture of it. His mother, in the back seat nearly hid, just HAD to ride with them, leaving little room..
It really was hilarious!
Harold wanted me to let everyone know that he is doing great and I agreed to put those pics on here for him!
Today, we went out for lunch and NATURALLY, I had to take pics!
Here is Court in her new glasses and Mike acting stuuuupid..
Here is me and Britt...
She really does love me! ha
Court's boyfriend called her from overseas today and he is doing well and has made it to his destination, so all is well with all that too!
I work tomorrow and Tuesday, then I'm off Wednesday and we leave for YORKTOWN, VIRGINIA ON THURSDAY!!!! WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!!! Ashley FINALLY GRADUATES! I will be taking the camera AND a video camera to capture it all! Mike can't go due to his having a new job and no vacation time accrued, BUT we'll sure take enuff pics!
We're returning back home on Friday just in time for me to go back to work this weekend. Ash will be home for 2 1/2 weeks, then we head out to SEATTLE! ROADTRIP!!!!!! Now, THAT trip will be a doosy, but fun. We'll leave in plenty of time to stop all along the way and stuff. I'm taking Court's netbook, so I can post pictures from the truck as we're traveling! The wonders of technology! I have promised Dad I will take TONS of pictures and I can't WAIT! FINALLY SOMETHING TO TAKE PICTURES OF BESIDES THE DOGS!!!!
Well, that's all my news for the moment. Stay tuned!
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