Saturday, February 13, 2010

We're BACK!

Ash and I made it home safely after surviving the blizzard up there we endured, only to endure ANOTHER one here at home! It's beautiful...especially looking at all the snow thru your own den windows in your own hometown!
So...just to ease my own worst fears (Ashley NOT being able to fly out tomorrow) I check the flights, weather patterns, flight patterns, astrology signs, etc..and am confident she will be on the 6:02 flight outta here in the morning. At EXACTLY 6:02:30, my nerves will be taking a warm calgon bath and my breathing will return to normal once again. I have never seen a child attract the bad luck she has accumulated this past 2 1/2 weeks! Only thru long sleepless nights, loads of Excedrine Migraine, days off work and rattled nerves has everything worked it's way out and all is well with the world again!
We are shipping her truck out to her at a later date. (in case anyone was wondering..another LONG story of which I don't care to tax my brain with remembering)
That's it for today...I'm off to take nice, calm pictures of my nice, calm back yard. NO PICTURES OF MY KIDS...only flora and fauna!!!

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