What makes the world go 'round is our differences...in looks, opinions, hair-do's, life-style choices, political opinions etc....
I think it's wonderful that we are able to share those differences with our family and not be put down or shamed for them and hopefully be treasured for it! I think it's wonderful that we have the mental capacity to even have those differences and not be handicapped in our own worlds.
SO, today, I chose to celebrate differences.
To know both of my families, you would understand how comfortable we are in our differences...we have a little of everything and we love EVERYONE for who they are...
YES, even the Democrats in the family! HAAAAAAAAAA
Actually, I voted Republican, but alot of what I believe in...the Health Care Reform for example...is Democratic!
If all the controversary that is surrounding us on the news today could teach me one thing, it's that we could all learn how to listen and NOT be prejudiced by what others (who don't know anything either) are saying. Not to put down others or prejudge them because their thinking isn't like our own.
Our country has come from no women/blacks voting to EVERY citizen voting and valued!
From liquor being outlawed to liquor EVERYWHERE! WOO-HOOOOO!
Lets continue to progress!!!
That could be applied to everything in life!
Now that I'm done with my Paul Harvey moment, on to family stuff!
Courtney had to...of ALLL DAYS...work. We are feverishly trying to get things ready for the cook-out in 2 weeks and we're being abandoned! Actually, Britt and Lee are going to help paint the front porch posts, which have needed painting for like 5 years now. Mike is also cleaning out the garage which has needed it for like 10 years now! HA
So, before we got started (I'm taking a break now updating my blog! hee), we had to take Court some lunch. Here is Mike at Paradise Tan, where she works...

Mike visits her ALLL the time up there...making sure there are NO BOYS hanging around. He also likes to meet her up there when she gets off work to make sure she walks all 10 steps to her car safely. whatev. She doesn't mind!!!
OH.......I also have re-vamped up my Twitter page. I think I twitter to only myself, but who cares! At least I have a captive audience! BAH-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
My twitter page is:
Ashley was on duty all night, so she is getting off work about nowish.
OH....OTHER BIG NEWS! I believe she has hounded the poor truck driver of her truck enough, that he is now delivering her truck a WEEK EARLY and she's getting it MONDAY at NOON! I pity the poor driver...I KNEW he should have never given her his number!! I guess it pays to pester...and is she good at it! Ha
Have a great day today and remember that to think independently and be different is GOOD!
Love to all-
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