Dillon came by last night after Court got off work and gave her her very own pink fishing pole!
She hasn't a CLUE how to use it, but they're going fishing on Friday and he said he would teach her. BOY, do I feel sorry for him!
Ashley called yesterday and they are headed back to port! They have stopped at an island and she took this picture..

It's an OTTER EATING A FISH! RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HER! She said she tried to make the otter stop because the fish was in pain. awwww....
So, we got Ashley's truck ready to be shipped. Mike went and had a bed top put on it...

it looks really nice..

then we loaded up up with 6 35-gallon tubs FULL TO THE RIM with all her clothes..

Here it is, loaded and awaiting the transport company to come get it!

Britt has been working nearly every day at the nursing home. Today is her first day off and I may take her out for lunch and then to WAL-MART!!!!! WOOO-HOOOO!
OHHHH....Mom got a Blackberry the other day....pray for me and Dad.
Have a great day!
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