This next pic is of us at Ashley's going away party before she went to boot camp.
Court has lost alot of weight as has Britt. I'm still working on it! ha
This next pic is of my Uncle Harry and Aunt Esther...
Dad took that one at my Uncle Dales birthday party.
Here is Mike and Court at Homecoming..

Here are my babies in Hiawassee, Ga where Court sang..
Here is Dad and Court before her prom..
Here are my babies again at Mauldin High School where Court won the talent contest..
Dad took this next pic of Court when she won...
Here is Mike, his Mom and Court at the Martin Luther King Jr. awards program where Court was selected as a representative for her high school..
Here is Court and Bubba on TV where they performed together...
Dad took those pics of his TV!
Here is one of my favorites of Britt...

This next picture, I was taken while Ash was home this last time..
Here is Ash graduating from A-School as a BM-3
Here is one of my favs of Ash...

Here is me and Britt...she really does love me! 
Here are Britt and Court at Harold's benefit...
Here is one of Dad's favorite pictures..
I love this next picture..
Here are the girls in New Jersey at Ashley's graduation from boot 
This next pic is Courtney going to her first day of school as a SENIOR!!
Here is Grandma Terry on her 91st Birthday
AND...lastly, but not camera...
It's partially responsible for these and MANY MANY other pictures...that and my unique and equally impressive photography skills! BAH-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Well, that's it for the moment...enjoy!
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