Here's the baby marching down to her seat...
She found all us! We were sitting up in the lower balcony...all she had to do to find us was watch for mine and Dad's camera flashes continuously going off! HA
Here she is going to get her Diploma issued from the GLORIOUS State of South Carolina! 
Ain't her hair so pretty!!!
There it is! She's officially graduated! WOOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!
After they called her name, Mom and Dad headed back home....I don't know WHY they didn't want to sit thru 550 names to be called....SO...after the ceremony, we all stood outside and took pictures! (Surely not US!)
Here is Court with Mike's parents....
Here is Court and Britt. Britt has lost alot of weight, is going to the tanning bed and working out nearly every day. We're SO proud of her!
Here we are! Lee, Britt's boyfriend, took the picture...he did a great job!
Here is a good picture too! Court loves to be smooched on!
and lastly, here is Court and Lee!
Dad hasn't put his pictures on his web album yet, so these are mine that I took.
After all the smooching and junk, we all met up with Dillon's large family at IHOP and threw-down! ha! I didn't take pictures in there because I didn't want to scare them with my mad photo skills! ha
After all that, ASHLEY CALLED! She's tired and happy! She's still learning alot every day and is excited to get underway! I told her to send-me-more-pictures. She has the new HTC Incredible with an 8 megapixel camera. She needs to use it for her Mama!
Tonight is the Graduation Party! Dad and I will take loads of pics and I'll share them with ya'll!
More soon!
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