Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hiawassee Update

Well, we're all here in Hiawassee, Ga and I have a ton of pics, most of which I haven't uploaded yet. I did upload a few the other night and put a couple on the laptop taken from my Droid X.
Court has been singing herself silly here and you can really tell it here...
Jim Ed Brown, whom she opened for, came out while she was opening and sang a song with her, much to her shockness!
Upon closer inspection of her attire, I realized she forgot to put her heels on!
Hair shot...
At the house we rented, is a huge lake, with a covered boat dock. The water is SOOOO clear...
Here is Court swimming...
Well...I have tons of pics of Britt too, I just gotta download them. Give me a few hours and I'll do that too!
Here's a link to all the unedited pics from Wednesday nights pics...

We're all having a ball and missing the dogs!
More very soon!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Wanted to let everyone know we are leaving out in the morning for the Georgia mountains. I'm taking every camera we have in the house PLUS my guitar and nail polish! ha
We're also taking laptops and cell phones, so NOTHING will get by us!
Have a great week and I'll be posting some on Sunday night when we get back.

Friday, July 23, 2010

wedding pics

I finally have some of the pictures Dad took at the wedding! Here is just a few of the well over 100 pics Dad took. I'll just show y'all a few so as not to bore you with expertly captured wedding pics of people you don't even know! I would have taken pictures, but I didn't want to show the wedding photographer up by out-shooting her!
Here is Mike, Britt and Court, Brenda, Lauren and Alex.
Here is Court and Mom...
The fam...
Me and one of my favorite Aunts, Aunt Rheba who was grandmother of the Bride...
We had a great time and wish Maghan the best!
Next, we have coming up, our trip to Hiawassee, Ga next week! WOOO-HOOOOOO!
I have my camera battery charged, my guitar polished up and a can of coffee already packed! Dad is going too with his camera, but my pictures will be THE ones to watch out for! ha
I've heard from Ash since she's been on patrol and she's doing good. The ship apparently doesn't have air conditioning except the berthing area, so they are a little on the warm side. She should be calling home next week sometime, so I am SOOO excited to hear from my gurly!!!
Gotta go, I have to work the next 3 days, so that leaves today for packing, washing clothes, cleaning the house, getting the boys food and toys together. They are spending the week at their Grandma's house across the street. Donna will be dog sitting the boys for us over there as well as sitting with Grandma Terry. I bet they'll play hours of cards!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I haven't posted anything because I have been at work for the past few days. I do have pictures to add, but that will have to wait until at least tomorrow!
We've been really busy getting ready for our vacation (Hiawassee, Ga) next week!!! Mike said he wants a "drama free" week...I told him, with 3 daughters, WHATS THAT???
Ash won't be with us, of course, but hopefully when we go there again this fall, she will be! She did email me and tell me that she will be calling us next Friday when her ship makes land fall! Can't wait to hear her voice!!!
That's it for now, more tomorrow!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today is cousin Maghan's wedding in Rock Hill, so we're loading up the truck and headed there this afternoon. Dad and I will be taking loads of photo's so ya'll LOOKOUT!!!!
I am also happy that a temporary fix has been working for the oil well! Lets hope it holds!
I mailed out Ashley's BIRTHDAY BOX yesterday!!! It was so weird. I used her 'patrol" address (an FPO addres) and the UPS guy said the shipping cost was $78. WHAAAAAA???? So, I called her UMBUDSMAN for her ship and she told me to ship it to the physical address where her ship's home port is. $16!!
The patrol address IS where her home port address is! Go figure THAT one out!
Ya'll see no pics today. I did take one picture yesterday of this guy that is a regular at Guadalahara's. He's REALLY crazy. Anyways, I saw him and his wife driving down the road in a mustang! (He always sings, 'Mustang Sally".) I took a pic of them driving down the road and sent it to Mike and Court. hee
That's it for the moment....more tomorrow with wedding pics (mine will be MUCH better than Dad's, but don't tell him)!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quick update

I'm fixing to be late for work, but I wanted to put these two pictures on here.
Ash sent these to me from the beach from where she's at yesterday, but what's even more incredible is the girl she's in the pic with is Ash's BFF and graduated with her from Basic Training. Other Girl is stationed around there and her cutter is broke down, so she has been temp. assigned to Ash's cutter for the remainder of this patrol! Ash was beYOND HAPPY!
This next pic is one Ash sent me of the beach. I guess she thought I wanted to see that over pictures of HER! ha It is very pretty there and she was very happy to be back in the sun.
I gotta run, have a great day, everyone!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Ashley's wake

Ash sent this picture yesterday of the view from the back of her really is gorgeous!
I hope she will send more today. I haven't actually spoken with her since they pulled out, but she was SOOO looking forward to leaving, I'm sure she's loving it!
Britt and Lee made the news for them standing behind the reporter~

Britt made it thru the next hiring process round (written exam) and takes the "rim test" tomorrow. That's where they have 65 tires that have to be put on rims. You have to work as fast as you can and have to do at least half in an hour. WOW. I took this rim test years ago and I remember it took me a day to recover, I was so sore. The pay is fantabulous so keep your fingers crossed for her!
I'll keep you posted!
That's it for the moment. I work tomorrow thru Sunday, so I won't be posting this weekend unless something apocalyptic occurs...I prefer boringness.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

After I open my eyes....

and drink a LARGE cup of coffee, this will be a wonderful day!
yesterday, i looked out my den window and saw Harold, Caren, Dawn, Val and her son and friend pull up into Silkers front yard...woo-hoo!
They stopped by to visit, so I went and "howdy'd" with them.
Harold asked that I put his picture on here for his brothers to see out in California. He wants them to know that he's doing good. He looks the best I've seen him in awhile.
Mike's Dad bought him a hat with a built in Toupee...
HAA! It was hot tho, so he took it off. He wanted me to take his picture without the hat...
He didn't like that picture of him smiling and asked me to put one on here of him NOT smiling...
I like the one of him smiling better, but he looks beautiful however we take his picture!
He has his 3rd of 6 round of chemo today. His spirits are great, he has a fantabulous sense of humor and he looks soooo much better!
Today, Britt and lee have gone to try for one of the 500 BMW jobs that just opened up. I hope something comes of it...those two need a serious break.
Have I put on here how freaking HOT it is! People say that Penicillin was the greatest invention, but I say AIR CONDITIONING is the greatest. The dogs agree!
Have a cool day today and cross fingers, toes etc.. that Britt and Lee get a job!
Peace out!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

4th of july

We went last night to the Liberty Idol held...where else, in Liberty, SC! I was pretty good and i saw some talent I didn't know existed!
We took Mike's Grandma with us and she did great considering she was up 3 hours past her bed time and sat in a wheelchair the whole time. She ate a blueberry icee which turned her teeth (false) BLUE! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I was experimenting with my camera on my phone and i told her to sit still while I took her picture. Right as I pressed the button, there was a loud pop behind us and she jumped...
haaaa! There was alot of people there...
but the weather was perfect.
Not sure what we're doing today, but it will be good no matter what since I'M OFF WORK!!!!
More soon-

Saturday, July 03, 2010

MUCH cooler here!

The high is 87 degrees....I'll take that ANY day over what we've had!
Mike's parents have gone to North Carolina to attend a funeral of a friend who they were stationed with years ago. SO...we are watching Grandma Terry this weekend. Well, if truth be told, she is watching us! HA...she thinks we're crazy! All I know is, she sure is eating good!
I am the ONLY female in the United States who has NOT seen Eclipse yet! WHA??! Sad, but SOOO true. I was going yesterday, but Court wanted me to go dress shopping with her in preparation for her shows in Hiawassee, Ga this month. So, I went with her. I hope to go next week when I'm off work.
I'll put more on here as I encounter something blog-worthy!