Friday, July 23, 2010

wedding pics

I finally have some of the pictures Dad took at the wedding! Here is just a few of the well over 100 pics Dad took. I'll just show y'all a few so as not to bore you with expertly captured wedding pics of people you don't even know! I would have taken pictures, but I didn't want to show the wedding photographer up by out-shooting her!
Here is Mike, Britt and Court, Brenda, Lauren and Alex.
Here is Court and Mom...
The fam...
Me and one of my favorite Aunts, Aunt Rheba who was grandmother of the Bride...
We had a great time and wish Maghan the best!
Next, we have coming up, our trip to Hiawassee, Ga next week! WOOO-HOOOOOO!
I have my camera battery charged, my guitar polished up and a can of coffee already packed! Dad is going too with his camera, but my pictures will be THE ones to watch out for! ha
I've heard from Ash since she's been on patrol and she's doing good. The ship apparently doesn't have air conditioning except the berthing area, so they are a little on the warm side. She should be calling home next week sometime, so I am SOOO excited to hear from my gurly!!!
Gotta go, I have to work the next 3 days, so that leaves today for packing, washing clothes, cleaning the house, getting the boys food and toys together. They are spending the week at their Grandma's house across the street. Donna will be dog sitting the boys for us over there as well as sitting with Grandma Terry. I bet they'll play hours of cards!
Have a great day!

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