Saturday, August 14, 2010


21 years ago, the clouds parted and Ashley decended on this earth with a huge, loud, giggly, blonde thud and thus begins her story............

She looks so much like me, i may need to spank her when she comes home! BAH-HAAAA!

Long time, no decent post! ha!! But that's the truth. I worked a ton last week and when I do that, there isn't time for much else. I even got behind on my news I NEARLY missed Lindsey Lohan's mother's interview....(eyes rolling). I also think it was incredible that 3 tweens bought tickets and flew to Nashville to go to Dollywood....WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS! I saw where their parents were upset with the airlines...uh....where were THEY at?
Court has practice today for a show she'll be doing in Hiawassee, Ga. this October. She'll be performing with a group she used to perform with years ago, and she is SOOOOO excited! She has always loved performing with them. They're sort of like a show you would see in Dollywood or someplace, really fun to be in and to watch!
I don't have any more new photo/videos to share, unless you count the pic i took of Grandma Terry's meatloaf she made the other day. OOOOO.MMMMMM.GGGGEEEEEEEEE, was it the best ever and I deemed it photo-worthy! Maybe I will put it on here, I gotta see what it looks like on here, I don't want none of ya'll trying to eat your monitors! BAH-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
More soon!

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