I LOVE old people, especially happy, old people. Those are few and far between, which is why I enjoy those that are!
I have learned one thing. The happiest elderly people are those that have lots of family around and get better faster. Those that don't, are usually miserable and grumpy. Just my observation.
Speaking of elderly, Buddy has to go to the Spa today to get his mani and pedi. He usually doesn't mind going, but we are thinking he has lost most of his vision lately, so I don't know how he will do today. The Spa he goes to is uaually pretty quick with him and they call me as they are finishing up with him so I can be there when he's finished.
Everything else around here is just moving forward!
OH...I'm ALWAYS searching for great pics to use as my background on my cell phone.
I thought about this one....

I did use this one for a coupld days, but soon grew bored with it.
So, I used this one for a couple days....

and was VERY bored with that one.
So, then, I thought...what/who do I like to look at?

YUP! My new background pic on my phone! hee
Have a fantabulous day!
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