Saturday, November 20, 2010

All is well

We're all plugging along! I was off work yesterday, so me, Britt and Court all went out to lunch with my parents and O.M.Geee, was it funny.
Their primary car finally gave up the ghost and crossed the Jordan the other day, so they had to get another. They ended up getting a car with ONSTAR.
B.I.G. mistake.
My mother calls Onstar just to say HEYYYY!!!!! So, while we were all in it riding to the restaurant, she calls Onstar just to tell them we're all going out to lunch. geeeze. The poor Onstar lady sounded excited for us. Then Mom made us all say "Heyyyy" to the lady. I glanced over at Britt and Court and they had this "deer in the head-lights" look. Court then covered her face and said something. not sure what. THEN, Mom asked the Onstar lady how was HER day and chit chatted with her for a few minutes. Finally, FINALLY, Mom told her we had to go and hung up.
Then, she had the car call Mike and say, "HEYYYY". Then, she called Britt...WHO IS IN THE BACK SEAT!
I can tell this ain't gonna be good.
Ash has been out shopping and stuff and found these. yup.
Notice the rain drops on her window? It does that alot there, she tells us. I'm thinking the sun glasses are for when she goes out on her next patrol.
That's it for the moment.
Court and I are headed to Clemson tonight for a Rodeo where she'll be singing the National Anthem. Mike and Britt are working and Ash is...who knows! ha
More soon and pics too after I take some tonight.

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