I didn't forget yesterday, I have another eye infection, so I had to go to the eye-dr.'s and then to Wal-Mart, then to my Guitar lesson (of which I dazzled my instructor!!!) : )
I LOVE the Quote of the Day on this page.... Dan Quayle is so special!!
Funny Quote of the Day
For NASA, space is still a high priority.Dan Quayle
So, as you ALL know, my baby came home for a few days and it was SOOO wonderful hearing her run around the house, kiss on the dogs, eat my cooking and all the other million things she does that we miss.
One thing she did that was wonderful was, when I went to wake her up to go with me somewhere one morning, before her eyes even opened, before her brain turned on, she grinned real big. She's always done that...smiling before she even wakes up! Her sister's DEFINITELY don't do that! ha
So, we had a dinner at our house during last week with alot of family over.
Here is Ash in front of the Coast Guard Flag we fly while she's home...
Here Ash and Britt are on the front porch with"Freaking Harley" (that's what Harley thinks his name is...)
Here are the girls...
Here are the girls with my brother's babies...
I promise y'all those two grow everytime I see them, and Lauren get's more beautiful by the minute and Alex gets more handsomer! (Is that even a word?) I attribute that to excellent genes, of which over-floweth in my family. We're all real purdy! hee
Speaking of real purdy, here is a picture with Mike's Grandma in it, Courtney's boyfriend, Dillon, Mike's Mom and Mike.
OH....Big ASHlEY NEWS....
Yesterday, she called and told me she was awarded/presented with another RIBBON! WOO-HOO!!!
She was awarded the "Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation". She sent me an email with her Commendation letter attached and I just can't fathom what all she and her team did to receive that. They are all awesome and I am proud of them all!!!
I asked her what color is the ribbon, but she didn't know yet. I was thinking something in a Pink-Cammo perhaps?? hee With that ribbon, it brings her total to 6 ribbons! TOO PROUD!
Britt is still doing really well in getting ready to join the Air Force. She has to lose just a few more pounds!
Courtney BROKE HER FOOT last week! She was running and twisted her foot. It didn't start really hurting till an hour later, then it was unbearable for her....so, off to the emergency room we go...

Here she is singing at Guadalajara's...

Here she is singing at a Veteran's Day service...
Just so y'all know...and Dad won't pout...HE TOOK THAT PICTURE.
I like this next picture too of her. 
That's about it....!!!!
Hope everyone had as great a week as I did.
More soon-
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