We went to alot of Christmas partys and ate enTIRELY too much.
I already posted some pics of earlier parties we attended last week. Here is the Christmas party at my Aunt Aurelia's, in Travelers Rest.
First off, it started SNOWING while we were there! The first Christmas Day snow since 1963!
There was tons of food!
Mike and Court enjoyed it!
So did Britt!
and did Larry Jr. and Lauren.
When it started snowing like crazy, we left and headed back to Mike's parents house to get ready for the Christmas Day party there!
we atarted off there waiting for Donna and Mark to arrive from Virginia. The weather slowed them down, but they eventually arrived.
SO, we started without them!
Court and I entertained!
Harley even enjoyed it!
Then, Dillon and Court sang and picked...
Then we opened loads of presents...
Britt found $$ in her socks!
Silker and Papa enjoyed watching!
Everyone opened!
Court LOVED her show boots she got from Silker. She starts riding this spring in competitions on a horse and she'll wear these boots...
Court's boyfriend got a really neet cooler from us to take fishing...
Courtney also got a hat to wear in the competitions. Girls, from what I learned, wear straw hats, boys wear felt. Here is Grandma Terry wearing it...
Finally Donna and Mark arrived and we opened up MORE presents!
Here is Mark...
Deanna opened up tons too...
Britt was glad to open all night long!
It was a fantabulous day and Ashley was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO missed. All I know is this coming Christmas, she will be HOME and sitting right in the middle of the floor with her sister and cousin and NIECE! Imagine the pics that will be taken then!
Yesterday, I had to work, but that didn't stop the girls from playing out in the snow. Britt's BFF, Kristen who lives up the road, played with them, just like old times.
Here is Kristen, whom I think is beyond beautiful!
Harley had a "ball"! BAH-HAAAA
ad did Cassie and Harley together...
Boomer preferred to sniff out stray critters in the snow..
I think they all got cold fast!
That's about all I have time to put pictures on here for. Here is the link to ALL my pics...
I posted the link to the pics taken from Silkers Annual Christmas Party in a posting a couple days ago.
Hope everyone survived the snow, travel or not being able to be home this year.
We missed Ashley as I said above and it's SOO good to know she'll be home more this year and for Christmas.
Have a great day!
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