Today was Mom and Dad's annual Christmas Party and it was so nice. They really went thru alot of trouble "purdying" everything up for us and all the cooking and Dad's tree was gorgeous and his mantle was "Marty Gras" looking!
Here are SOME of the Grandkids...missing are Ashley, WHO WILL BE HERE NEXT YEAR, and Alex, who has pneumonia, so was home.
SO, here is LAST years picture complete with all Grandchildren...
Here is THIS years Christmas photo. Where each missing child was, sits their Christmas sacks!
That's last years Christmas picture in front of Lauren. That was all Dad's idea and they had fun making that picture.
Here they are opening presents...
Here is Dad's mantle.... : )
and tree....
Here is where he plays and practices...
and here is where the kids ate...
He had it all decorated up and we sure did enjoy and love all the trouble they went thru!!!!
Mike was in bed sick as a dog, so he was unable to go. He has an ear infection and Vertigo. I think the vertigo medicine made him worse. We made him a huge plate of food and took to him afterwards. He got up to eat that, but was miserable.
Well, that's it for the moment, I think. Court and Dillon have gone to see the newest, "Baby Fockers" movie, which Mike and I really want to see. Britt has gone to a friends birthday party, but will be home early.
One of the high-lights of our day was ASHLEY CALLED HOME! It was SOOOOOO wonderful hearing her voice. I swear she sounds so grown up sometimes. She sounded happy and I heard her smile, so all is well. That did my heart SOOOO good to hear from her. She emails pretty frequently and her friend, Kori email me toooooo, which I love! She's also one of my many blog readers! HEY KORI!!!! Did I just say it was WONDERFUL hearing from Ashley? Our Christmas is very much dimmer (and MUCH quieter) this year because she's not here. She is SOOO missed and everyone talks about her all the time. Some of it's good too! hee
All I know is next Christmas, Ashley will be home and we will have a baby in our lives. I have quit taking ANYthing for granted, because everything changes by the minute. We, no matter what we think, are NOT in control of one single thing. We can't predict our futures, because futures are changeable too. We can't count on material things, because they break down. alot. Even if we're riding in them.
I think I'll hang some rosary beads in Court's truck or something. I know! I'll put a picture of Grandma Terry in it, that'll scare away the bad Karma! BAH-HAAAAA! Scare away any car jackers too! ha
The only real, REAL thing we can count on is family. No matter how much they get on your last nerve, how much they never listen to a word you say, how much they make fun of your cooking, how many times they disappear whenever you need them to help around the house, how many times they take your only can of hair spray, wear your only pair of comfy bedroom shoes, eat your last frozen Snicker bar, or leave half a drop of gas in the truck for you...they really why we get up every morning, hunt our bedroom shoes down, make a HUGE pot of coffee, trip over their shoes, search for our hair spray and run out the door to work. Then they leave home and we can't stand it and want them to come back home. As fast as possible!!! Weird.
Here is the link to all the photos taken today!
I'm going to bed. more soon!
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