The other day, one of Ashley's ship BFF's emailed me the sweeeeetest email! I was at work when I received it and it just made my day. Well, last night, she sent me another email with two pics in it!
Here is the first one...
That's Ash and her friend, Kori. I don't know where she's from, but my guess would be from the south since she's SOOO nice! hee
This next pic was titled, "Burial at Sea". NOT sure what that meant, but since they're all smiling, I'm assuming it wasn't what one would imagine!
GLAD to see Ash finally remember to put her little boat thingy pin on (the one above her ribbons). I see she's also earned more ribbons. I'll have to enlarge the photo and check them out! I know she received some kind of weaponry ribbon and recently she received one for something she did on the last patrol. Some sort of commendation ribbon, I believe. She was very proud and so are we!
I still haven't done one moments Christmas shopping yet, except for Ashley's, which I mailed out last week. Just an FYI, the US Postal Service is MUUUUCHHHH cheaper when mailing to an FPO/APO address rather than UPS, which is my preferred method of shipping. I'm talking like $50. cheaper per box.
Anyways, no Christmas shopping done yet, but Mike and I will hit the stores up on Saturday. WHY? Because in the 24 years we've been married, I have FINALLY learned to TAKE him with me only when Christmas shopping. That way, I don't get 1001 questions about what, where, whom, how, how many, and WHY's of gift questions. I'd rather have a week's peace and quiet at the cost of 8 hours of pure misery I'll endure while shopping.
Nuff said.
Britt had another Dr.s appt. last week and all is well. They did another ultrasound and here SHE/he is...

SHE/he is lying on HER/his side, facing the camera. The two white sticky things are the arms. She was 9 weeks. here.
Court is enduring well. She begins school on Jan. 10th and MAN is she ready and so are we!
That's about it for the moment. Hope everyone is nearly done with their Christmas shopping and can sit down and enjoy the moment. I've heard of such, but have so far never experienced that.
Love to all!
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