Sunday, January 30, 2011

Flowers and Veterans!

What a combo!
Last weekend Ash emailed and said to have Britt on stand by at the house for something special. GUESS WHAT SHE SENT???
They are absolutely beautiful and Britt was beyond touched and happy! Here Britt and Court are...
They are on our dining room table now just as beautiful as the day they arrived!
I was SOO proud!
I'm so proud at how they have banded together in support for Britt and Little Lillie! This will be a good year for all of us! Ashley's card that came with the flowers was just beautiful and my heart was just flooded with pride!
It's SOOO hard on Ash right now being away from the family with Harold being so sick and all the excitement surrounding Britt. We're proud of Ash being so strong and supportive!
Yesterday, Court was honored by the Veteran's Service Corps. for her strong service and dedication to all Veterans. She was presented with a certificate and lapel pin. I don't know when she was more proud of herself, but that was one of the top moments.
It was special!
Dad's gonna kill me for taking such terrible pictures, but there was no where to stand to get better ones. I'll get better!!!!
We also went to monster truck last night for Court to do the national Anthem.
Here is a great shot taken by Britt with her Blackberry....
We had incredible seats and had dirt sprayed all over us when the trucks spun their tires in front of us. SOOOOO cool! Mike, who was working, moved us to better seats and we had an awesome time!
That's it for the moment. We're headed to Ryan's steakhouse for the "all-you-can-eat buffet bar" breakfast then off to Laurens to see Harold.
If ALLL the pain and suffering that goes with cancer is a marker of how many jewels will be in our crown in heaven, then Harold won't be able to hold his head up for all the jewels that will adorn his crown. He has handled it with such dignity and also patience. The family is an inspiration to me as to how each family member leans on each other and gladly carries each other. I'm very privileged to be a part of this family.
Have a good day everyone and enjoy the sunshine! : )

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