Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mike's Birthday today!

AND, we're all going to the Tadpole tonight to eat suppppppper!!!! Darrell and Connie - we'll miss you!
I'll be taking pics there tonight and sharing with you tomorrow.

If you can tell, I've had very few posts lately. Most of that is due to how busy I've been, or lack of interesting material. But a part of that is I don't feel comfortable sharing Britt's pregnancy on here as I'm not sure who's reading it. Maybe NO ONE! hee!! But, it's really bothering me that I may be sharing dates, photos etc...that will be counter productive to her and eventually, the baby's privacy.
We, as a huge family, have "closed ranks" around her to protect her from the over-whelming stresses that comes along with her situation. The enormity of these stresses became too much for her recently, and we've had to restrict access to her....this is AT HER REQUEST.
My blog should be included too, since it is a way in.

So, I hate HATE to do this and I don't even know if it's necessary, but I will have to set my blog to invitation only to view it.

I've had my blog for years and have enjoyed it so much. I will be wanting to share photos, stories and our lives this year to everyone who wants to share with us. I DON'T want to have to worry what I'm posting and sharing to certain people who can find it just by a simple google search. I'm just grateful I have options over shutting it down.

SOO, soon, when you click on my blog you'll see a "invite" button to click on. CLICK ON IT!
I will be SOOO honored to add you to my peeps!
We're SOOO excited about allll the wonderful changes we'll all be having this year and I can't wait to add loads of pics!
Ashley is also coming home TWICE this year and I will be blabbing on and on about that too! ha

I hope you will join us!!!!


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