Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Registering for the baby!

Yesterday, Britt wanted to go get the baby registered at the store. While we were planning out our day to add that to it, Mike called from work and was wondering what we were doing. I told him what we had planned. SOOO, he said, "Uh...Mmmm...well, I'm headed that way, so I'll meet you at the store". So, the three of us went baby regestering shopping.
Here they are, steady clicking away on various baby items!
Midway thru, we became STARVING...as usual. Mike and Britt decided they wanted to eat at the mall food court, their favorite. So, we left mid registering, and headed to the mall. Britt had chinese. 20 minutes later, she had a bout with heart burn. 2 hours after that, she had her scheduled Dr. apt. NEVER a dull moment.
last weekend, Court had another horse show. It went splendidly! hee
These are a mixture of Mike and Dad's pics taken there. WHERE was I at, you ask? FREAKIN' WORK!
Even Mikes family went!
My parents went too, but I don't have any pictures of that.
Here is Courtney getting judged in something. Not sure what since I WASN'T THERE!
Here the judges are checking them out!
Dillon's parents bought a couple blood hounds and even THEY GOT TO GO TO THE HORSE SHOW!
They had a great time, I heard. whatev.
Today, we're going to Walmart and we've GOT to clean this house. After that, I get to go dazzle my guitar teacher with my mad pickin' skills! hee
More soon!

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