I'm finally off for a few days today. I had to work the entire Memorial Day weekend and I was beyond ready to get off work. Court sang at two separate events over the weekend... Let me add here that Dad took most of the pictures because I was at FREAKING WORK. The quality of his photos is improving somewhat.
The second event was held at a wall that our city put up to honor our veterans. Dad has his name on it too!
He's a retired Navy submariner and yes he's heard every joke ever said about that! hee....like, "a hundred men go down in a sub., and 50 couples come back up"! tee hee. There's loads more, but I can't put them on here. : )
Here is a pic of Courtney singing there....
and here the fam is waiting on something...I wouldn't know because I was AT FREAKING WORK.
Here she is singing Sunday at another service. This isn't the most flattering picture of her, but I wanted to show the bagpipers in the background.
Notice her tan? She works at a tanning bed place.
WAIT! The dress she has on here is the one Ashley wore at Britt's baby shower! I just noticed that!! I can't believe Ashley didn't stuff it in her suit case before she flew back to Seattle! She must have forgot to.
That's about it from my neck of the woods. Everyone is good, happy and excited about the baby coming, Ashley coming home for Christmas and us getting to meet her boyfriend! hee!! He wears ARGYLE sweaters (hee hee) and goes to ballets and junk.
Dillon and Brandon can't WAIT to meet this boy!
They're gonna take him snipe hunting and teach him how to spit dip out a pick up truck window so it don't blow back in your face! Real important stuff....!!
More soon!