Britt is 7 months pregnant here. This is the dress she'll also wear at her baby shower.
You KNOW they have to clown around too...
Here is a good one of Court...she works at a tanning bed, so she is getting dark!
Britt is NOT tanned in any way, fashion or form...
Next was the Royal Wedding! YES, we were one of the BILLIONS that got up to watch the big event. We did it "Southern Style" complete with Krispy Kreme donuts, chocolate milk and a center mater plant.
Then, later on that day, ASHLEY CAME HOME for a few days!
Two car loads went to the airport to haul her home...
this is a bad picture, but notice her smile?
She was SOOOO happy! The two boys beside her are Britt and Court's boyfriends...
It's been fantabulous having her home!
SOOO, after that was Courtney's horse show.
We all loaded up and headed to it!
Court and Lady won two 1st Place ribbons!
Deanna went to her first horse show and got some love from Lady too....
Angie, who is Dillon's Mom, rode Peanut, who ALSO won several 1st place ribbons...
So, what did Ashley do during this you ask? What she does best...tanning and scoping out the hot guys on horseback...
and make faces...
Here I am with Ash and Lilly, Angie's new puppy...
Here Mom and I are...
and family...
Here Court and Angie are competing...I will neither confirm nor deny Dad taking any of these next few, average, adequate photos....
and more riding...
and more riding...
That's it for the moment! I'M OFF WORK FOR THE NEXT 13 DAYS. So, hopefully, I'll be taking loads of pics while my baby is home and Britt's baby shower, and Britt's 4D ultrasound and tons more stuff! We're all SOOOO excited!
More soon!
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