Tuesday, June 28, 2011

NOOOO News. yet.

We are anxiously on stand by for any sign of the impending birth. Nothing. Zippo. Yawn....ZZzzz....
Britt sneezed the other day and we all collectively jumped up and headed towards the door before we realized it was a sneeze. Geeeze.
So, what are we doing besides cooking and cleaning and preparing for the blessed event?
getting to know PEP!
If you scroll down a bit, you'll see I put him on here with Rhett leading him and Connie the Mule and Connie's Mama in a pasture. Well, Pep, is now at Dillon's ranch for a month or so while Court decides if she wants him. So far, so good!
See him smiling while he chews on straw while working out! A very VERY happy horse, of course! hee
We've also been staring at Britts ever expanding belly!
She has 14 days left. Of course, if she wants to come earlier than that, that's perfectly fine with all 35 of us waiting!
I also got me a bread machine and I've been whipping out some fanTABulous breads! What I've decided tho is it's MUCH cheaper to make your own quality bread than to buy it. Now, Wal-mart sells a loaf of white for .88 cents a loaf. I ain't talking about that. I'm talking about Panara Bread quality stuff. I gotta do something to pass the time!!!
Welp, that's about it. My lone 'mater plant is still kicking with a lone tomato on it. pitiful.
Gotta go!
More soon!

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