Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aunt Rheba

Yesterday, Aunt Rheba and her daughter Lisa came down to visit and see Lily. We all had the best time and it was so SO wonderful seeing them!
We visited awhile, then we all went out to eat at Longhorn.
That's Mom, Aunt Rheba and Dad. Lisa sat beside me on one side and Brandon on the other with Britt and Lily on the other side of him. I didn't get any pics of them!
Here's Dad....
I want to say here that he made us all a Banana Pudding to take home and mine was the biggest and the bestest! It was SOOO good and a work of art!
This morning, before I sat down to blog this, I had laid Lily down to sleep. I HAD to take this picture of her asleep. She sleeps ALOT, so I don't have alot of pics of her awake yet.
We love her SO much!!!!
Also, Mike's Grandma Terry finally finished Lily's quilt. She hand embroidered it, mostly hand sewed it and hand quilted it.
The picture here looks nice, but to see it in person and really study it, you see how intricate her stitches are and appreciate the time she put into this.
It's a keepsake Lily will always have and will be treasured by all of us!
Here is a picture of Dillon and Brandon taken recently. I can't wait for Ashley to come home with her boyfriend so I can get a picture of the 3 of them!
Brandon's the one with his mouth full of DIP! whatev.
Welp, that's it for the moment. Let me go so I can see what else this day will hold and possibly get more pictures of!
More soon-

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