Sunday, September 23, 2012


This morning, waiting for me on the kitchen table was a package from my cousin's Kenny and Joanne. WHAAA!
I SO HEART packages!
Joanne is a Western Romance writer who's books are, when reading them, like movies playing in your mind. I can even smell the earth, barns, horses and the kitchens of her characters! Even Courtney has become a fan!
Ken went to the DNC this year and sent me a button! LOVE IT! I will wear it with pride!
I voted Republican last election, but will NOT be this time.
After having Lily come into our world and observing how Medicaid works and WIC and how our government DOES take care of those who need a had getting back up, I decided to vote differently.
I don't know anything about politics beyond our house, and I don't have time to learn more. My 1 vote will go to the Democrat party this time, and I'll let wonderful people like my cousin Kenny bring to my attention what's important to know.
So... today I have HAVE to bake Court an apple pie. It's the second day of Autumn and she demands it. : )
Gotta go!
More soon-

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