Saturday, April 12, 2014


Well, I forgot to come back on here and post what the news is!!!  Our Ashley is pregnant!!!  WOO-HOO!  THEN, if that wasn't enough news, she got married the week after she found out to John!!!  THEN, if that wasn't enough for any parent to recover from. John gets order to CHARLESTON, SC!!!  Like, 2 1/2 hours from our house!!  WHEW!!!!

She's shocked too!  hehe!!  John is a wonderful man who thankfully has a good head on his shoulders, loves Ashley and we know will take care of his family.  This is wonderful for all of us and Ashley sounds so happy!
WE are SOOOOO SOOOOO happy they are moving back down here.  Lily gets to grow up with her cousin, we get to visit all the time and they come up here all the time AND AND life is wonderful.
In other news, Lily has been spending loads of wall time.  We ran out of corners.  She is extremely hard headed, needless to say.  I don't mind putting her in the corner and she seems to enjoy it now!  

A good picture of John and Ashley I found.  Since they aren't here, I am reliant on what she sends me.  Her photo skills are severely lacking. Sigh...

Britt and I took Lily to the Sophia the First/Doc McStuffins to-do here.  She enjoyed it until it got loud.  

I took this in the back yard.  It's the main picture on my cell phone.  She looks so grown up here.  We love her!

Just Lily being Lily.

One of one baby booty I have created.  I'm reluctant to make the second one because Mike says she's having a girl.  He's 5 for 5 so far!  Ash and John really want a boy and gets irritated when I say, "she" when talking about her/him.  We, of course, don't care what it is, I'm just going by family history.  We have no boys what-so-ever except distant cousins to the girls.  We'll find out around the middle of June.

That's about it, as if that's not enough.  Courtney's shows have started back up at Renfro Valley.  SHE has a new boyfriend, Jake.  I haven't met him, but they seem crazy about each other.  I'm going up there in a couple of weeks and will meet him then.  He has a wonderful singing voice tho!!

More soon!!!

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