Friday, December 16, 2005

Ice Storm!!!

What a freaking terrible weather day. I am off work two days this week, yesterday and today and BAM. ICE.
I headed towards Big Lots yesterday afternoon, but it was so packed with heat-seeking grumpy shoppers, I left and went back home. It's now an official emergency. If I don't shop today, we ain't gonna have a Christmas.
The one of my two bright spots of my week was when Dad had to get some lab work done at the hospital where I work and Dad, Mom and I went to the cafeteria for breakfast. He didn't get his lab work drawn because there was a two hour wait. Dad ain't waiting to eat, so he's rescheduling for later on. I went to their house later on that day and they bought me a coffee percolator! I've been looking for one and couldn't find it. Dad did! It's aluminum tho, so I went on Ebay and have bid on a stainless steel Revere Ware perc. My life is beyond exciting.
The other bright spot was last night. Mike's sister Donna and Deanna, and his uncle Art and family all don't have power, so they are across the street at Mike's Mom's staying. We had fun over there last night. Britt's boyfriend came over for awhile too. Grandma Terry had cooked a big pot of BEANS and CORNBREAD! Yeah-baby! I had cooked a huge pot of potato soup, so if the power went off, we combined, had enuff food for everyone. We didn't wait on the power to go off, we ate it all anyways! hee hee

I MAY take some pictures today, but I am, seriously SHOPPING today. I'm taking Donna with me so she can shop too. NO KIDS. I don't care if Courtney is on restriction and I have to keep both eyes on her...she over-socializes at school and is now on restriction. That means NO computer OR CELL PHONE. The other day, she "forgot" she was on restriction and I caught her sitting at the computer typing furiously with her cell phone on her ear too. So, I have to keep both eyes on case she forgets again. Mike can watch her.

OH- If you want something in particular from US for Christmas, you probley ain't getting it.
I ain't going to Wal-mart, K-mart or Steinmart. NOR am I going to the mall or any other store where 100 or more people are gathered OR where all the handicapped parking places are taken. So there.

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